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词汇 bubonic plague
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bubonic plagues───n.黑死病

pneumonic plague───肺炎性鼠疫;肺鼠疫

pneumonic plagues───肺炎性鼠疫;肺鼠疫

bird plague───鸟类瘟疫


duck plague───鸭瘟

fowl plague───禽疫;[禽]鸡瘟

iconic image───标志性形象;图标图像

to plague───瘟疫


Carried by fleas from rodents to humans, bubonic plague cannot pass from human to human.───携带经由跳蚤从啮齿动物到人类, 腺鼠疫不能通过人传人.

Bubonic plague struck London in 1665.───1665年伦敦爆发了腺鼠疫.

The planes were accused of spreading cholera, typhus, and bubonic plague.───有人指责那些飞机传播了霍乱 、 斑疹伤寒和黑死病.

Unfortunately, the fleas on those rats carried a disease called Bubonic Plague.───不幸的是, 那些老鼠身上的跳蚤携带着一种被称为“黑死病”的疾病.

Take bubonic plague for example. The disease is most commonly transmitted to humans through flea bites, and the fleas live on rodents.───以黑死病为例。这种疾病最常通过跳蚤叮咬传染给人类,跳蚤生存在啮齿类动物上。

Carson Wells : Compared to what? The bubonic plague?───卡森·韦尔斯: 那得看跟什么比? 黑死病?

It was a kind of cesspit constantly seething with smallpox and bubonic plague.───那里,几乎可以说曾经是天花和黑死病生生不息的污水坑.

Regionai lymphadenitis ( bubonic plague ); Septicemia without an evident bubo ( septicemic plague )───局部淋巴腺炎 ( 腺鼠疫 ); 没有明显淋巴腺炎的败血症(败血症型鼠疫 )

The lung disease is caused by the same bacterium as bubonic plague.───这种肺病与黑死病一样,是由同一种杆菌引起的.

A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.───兔子患染的一种病毒性疾病.

The bubonic plague swept off most of the villagers.───那场淋巴腺鼠疫夺去了大部分村民的生命.

Carson Wells : Compared to what? bubonic plague?───卡森·韦尔斯: 那得看跟什麽比? 黑死病?

Pneumonic plague is caused by the same bacterium that occurs in bubonic plague.───肺鼠疫同样是由出现在黑死病中的的细菌引起的.

DNA also shows that Tut was probably spared bubonic plague, tuberculosis, leprosy or leishmaniasis.───DNA还显示图坦卡门很可能没有患上腹股沟淋巴结鼠疫 、 肺结核 、 麻疯病和利什曼病.

Results Bubonic plague colloid gold is one kind sensitive, special, the fast examination bubonic plague method.───结果鼠疫胶体金是一种敏感 、 特异 、 快速检测鼠疫的方法.

Bubonic plague is an extremely dangerous pathogen.───淋巴腺鼠疫是极危险的病原体.


Bubonic plague struck London in 1665.

  • bubonic plaque
  • bubonic plague victim
  • bubonic plague symptoms




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