呈现…; 使出现; 使发作; 使发展
brings on───导致;引起;使…发展
bring in───引进;生产;增加
bearing on───对…施加压力;与…有关;对…有影响;瞄准
bring down───降低;打倒,打死;击落
bring joy───带来欢乐
bring off───完成;救出;成功
bring out───出版,生产;使显示;说出
brings in───引进;生产;增加
The evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.───自己作的孽最难熬.
This warm weather should bring on the crops.───暖和的天气会促使农作物生长.
Our contentions do bring on us some scandal.───我们的争论的确给我们带来了一些耻辱.
The evil we bring on ourselves is the hardest to bear.───自作孽,不可活.
Anthrax have hooked up with Public Enemy for a metal/rap version of "Bring On The Noise"───炭疽乐队和公敌乐队联手合作了重金属加说唱版的歌曲《带来噪音》。
It doesn't take much to bring on a blue day.───#19其实一点小事就让你一天都郁闷难当.
Severe shock can bring on an attack of acne.───严重的惊吓会造成痤疮突发。
These once - unthinkable dosages will almost certainly bring on unwelcome aftereffects.───几乎确定无疑的是,这些以前无法想像的猛药会带来不好的副作用.
The timely rain after a long time of drought will certainly bring on the crops.───久旱之后的这场及时雨肯定会有助于作物的生长.
How many new customers will you bring on this year?───在这一年,你准备发展多少客户?
The timely rain will certainly bring on the crops.───这场及时雨肯定会有助于作物的生长.
Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache.───在昏暗的灯光下看书会引起头疼.
This spring RF will also bring on stream the Hotel de Russie in Rome and the Savoy in Florence.───RF旗下的罗马露兹大酒店和佛罗伦萨萨伏伊酒店也将在今年春季开始营业。
But believe me, free enterprise and sound money did not bring on this problem.───相信我,我们的麻烦并不是自由市场和健全的货币带来的。
That incident will surely bring on a crisis.───那个事件肯定会导致一场危机。
Do you think the border incident will bring on a full - scale war?───你认为这次边境事件会引起一场全面战争 吗 ?
- bring to light
- brings out the best in me
- bringover preview
- bring down the house
- bring me out
- bring em out
- bring up
- bring out the best in sb
- bring back glam
- bring forward
- bring them up
- bring under control
- bring it back
- bring under
- bring me the horizon
- brings out your boss bitch
- bring out
- bring sb up
- bring a camera
- bring ul
- brings to