bow and arrows───弓和箭;弧矢
broad arrow───宽头箭
bow and scrape───点头哈腰
bone marrow───[解剖]骨髓
broad arrows───宽头箭
now and again───adv.不时;时而
round barrow───圆手推车
to narrow───缩小
It is illegal to fish with a bow and arrow in Kentucky.───在肯塔基州,用弓箭捕鱼是违法的.
Wright: There's a rifle on those socks - and what's on the side - a bow and arrow?───怀特: 袜子上绣的是支步枪,那另一面是啥玩意?该不会是把弓箭 吧 ?
There will be a bow and arrow competition designed to retell how the Plains Indians used to hunt for food.───这里将有一场弓箭比赛,目的是重新讲述过去平原印第安人是如何寻觅食物的。
While they were playing, Devadatta shot swan with his bow and arrow. It was badly wounded.───在玩耍的时候, 提婆用他的弓箭射中了一只天鹅,那只天鹅受了重伤.
He was armed with a bow and arrow.───他佩带着弓箭。
With my bow and arrow.───我用我的弓和箭.
I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.───是我, 麻雀说, 我杀了知更鸟, 用我的弓和箭.
He had a bow and arrow with him, and Tink noted it, and rubbed her little hands.───他随身带着弓和箭,小叮当注意到了,搓着她的小手。
He was able to shoot down a flying bird with the bow and arrow.───他张弓搭箭能射落空中的飞鸟.
He hunted with bow and arrow.───他用弓箭打猎.
They used the bow and arrow and warclub as their principal weapons.───他们以弓箭和棍棒作为主要武器.
One that shoots with a bow and arrow.───使用大弓的英国中世纪的弓箭手.
a bow and arrow───弓箭
With my little bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin.───我杀了知更鸟,用我的弓和箭.
Who shoots a pal in the back with a bow and arrow?───有人用弓箭射他伙伴的后背的 吗 ?
With my little bow and arrow.───用我的弓和箭.
Bow and arrow: archery shoot the enemy.───弓箭: 用弓箭射杀敌人.
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