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词汇 open market
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open markets───开放市场

forex market───外汇市场

money market───金融市场,货币市场

flea market───跳蚤市场;廉价市场

free market───自由市场

grey market───灰市,半黑市

main market───主要市场

open mike───即兴表演式聚会

open mikes───即兴表演式聚会


Central banks may also be forced to lower interest rates through domestic open market operations.───此外,各国央行还可能被迫通过国内公开市场操作来下调利率.

In 1983, Yongjia County People's Government formally approved the open market bridge button.───1983年, 永嘉县人民政府正式批准开放桥头纽扣市场.

Many of China's steelmakers looked for supplies on the open market to fill hungry blast furnaces.───许多中国钢铁制造商在公开市场上寻找供应填急缺铁矿石的炼钢炉.

This is an open market and we encourage fair prices and strong competition.───这是一个自由市场,且我们鼓励公平的价格设定跟良好的竞争力.

Central banks control rates by selling securities on the open market.───央行通过在公开市场上买卖证券控制利率.

Some times , open market operations can produce monetization of public debt.───如果条件具备, 公开市场业务除了能够发挥微调作用外,也是公债货币化的一种途径.

But enjoying WTO member country the right while, we must assume the obligation of open market.───但是在享受世贸组织成员国权利的同时, 我们必须承担开放市场的义务.

New capital can come from floating company shares on the open market.───公开市场上发行公司股票可以带来新的资金.

It's inside the swimming pool in the winter open market?───它里面的游泳池冬天开放 吗 ?

Shanghai Pan Hong Q: comprehensive agreement trading platform for ordinary investors in open market?───上海潘虹问: 综合协议交易平台对普通投资者开放 吗 ?

As for China, the world's fastest growing economy and an open market, opportunities and challenges coexist.───就中国来说, 作为世界上增长最快的经济体,开放的市场, 机遇与挑战共存.

Horn is not Reserve Open Market Committee members have the right to vote.───霍恩目前不是美联储公开市场委员会具有投票权的委员.

Firearms are not freely available on the open market.───武器不能在公开市场上自由出售.

The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.───中央银行获授权公开发行政府债券。

Fourth, we'll maintain and improve a fair and open market environment.───四是维护和完善公平开放的市场环境.

Yesterday it also mopped up a record Rmb 225 bn ( $ 28.3 bn ) in its regular open market operations.───昨日,央行还在其例行的公开市场操作中,创纪录地完成2250亿元人民币 ( 283亿美元 ) 资金回笼工作.

When will it be time to float the new firm on the open market?───何时才是将新公司投资债券投放市场的时机 呢 ?

At stake could be the legitimacy of the open market economy itself.───开放市场经济本身的正统地位可能会岌岌可危.

Second, nimble development open market operation.───二是灵活开展公开市场操作.

Has taken a series of measures: First, nimble development open market operation.───采取了一系列措施: 一是灵活开展公开市场操作.

However, the open market on the uneven distribution of funds is still very significant characteristics.───不过, 公开市场上资金分布不均衡的特征仍非常显著.

There is an open market in the village.───村里有一个露天市场.

Privatisation is a necessary staging post to an open market.───私有化是通向公开市场的一个必要的预备阶段。

This policy as open market operations.───这种政策即公开市场交易.

Federal Open Market Committee said a main reason for it's decision was the slowing housing market.───联邦公开市场委员会表示,决定的主要原因是房屋市场放缓.

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