

词汇 open days
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n.接待日,可参观的日子( open day的名词复数 )



open day───开放日;接待日

on days───在天

open bars───(美)(婚礼、宴会等场合的)免费酒吧

open calls───开放调用;公开选拔

open doors───打开大门(以支持世界各地因信仰而受迫害的基督徒为宗旨的国际组织);放开心胸(意大利电影)

open games───开放竞赛,公开赛;[数]开型博弈

open goals───无人防守的球门


off days───休息日


With additional open days of the issuance of shares listed on the Orient Electric earlier, investors also benefit.───随着对东方电气早期上市的股票发行的其他开放日,投资者也受益。

30 p.m. - If you time it right, the naval base in the harbor has open days and all are welcome, including foreigners.───点半——如果时机恰逢海军基地的开放日,所有人包括外国人都可进入基地。

Regular church open days are held, all are welcome with free entrance.───教堂定期举办开放日,欢迎免费参观。

The Experiecing Chinese lectures, aiming at the local citizens, have been hold in the school's open days and campus cultural festivals.───利用学校开放日以及校园祭,以当地市民为对象举办汉语体验活动。

30 p. m. - If you time it right, the naval base in the harbor has open days and all are welcome, including foreigners.───下午2点半——如果时机恰逢海军基地的开放日,所有人包括外国人都可进入基地。

The group will be holding open days and tours aboard the Rainbow Warrior.───该组织将会在彩虹勇士号上举行公开日和参观活动。

Pangu open days soon, then, heaven and the earth is almost connected.───盘古开天不久,那时,天和地差不多连着。

Limited time slots for sports facilities free open days still available───康文署免费开放康乐设施尚馀有限时段供预订

Small amount of free tickets for LCSD museum open days still available───康文署博物馆开放日免费入场券尚馀少量派发


The station will be opened in June and there will also be a series of open days.

Organise open days and exhibitions to encourage the involvement of the local community with health matters.

It is holding open days in its Stanley, Middlesbrough and Washington stores, supposedly in support of the Rokermen.

For New Students new students' open days. introductory courses.

It superseded the very successful Coalville open days which have raised thousands of pounds for charity over the last nine years.

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