The tortoise and the rabbit are in a race
The tortoise pulled its head into his carapace.───乌龟把头缩进它的壳里。
The hare and the tortoise are going to have a race!───野兔和乌龟要赛跑.
Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster.───从前有一只乌龟和一只兔子在互相争辩谁跑得快.
They started off and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the river bank.───它们出发了.这一次,是兔子背着乌龟来到了河边.
You are a bad tortoise. I'll eat you.───你这个坏海龟. 我要吃了你.
The fate of many British designers calls to mind the fable of the tortoise and the hare.───许多英国设计师的命运令人想起了龟兔赛跑的故事。
Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river.───龟蛇二山隔江相望.
One day, a bunny wants to race the tortoise.───一天, 兔子要和乌龟赛跑.
When the bunny wakes up, the tortoise is close to the ending line.───兔子醒来时, 乌龟已经快到终点了.
He ordered fawn to look for the tortoise and ask why it was absent.───他命令小鹿去找乌龟,问它为什么缺席.
The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.
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