forge a friendship───建立友谊
bosom friends───知心朋友;密友;心腹之交
close friendship───亲密的友谊
deep friendship───深厚友谊
genuine friendship───真诚的友谊
bosom friend───知己;知心朋友;契友
female friendship───女性友谊
lasting friendship───持久的友谊
lifelong friendship───终身友谊
They said the city has no real bonds of friendship between people.───他们说,城市里人与人之间没有真正的情义。
two countries are linked by bonds of friendship going back many years.───两国间的友好关系可以追朔到许多年以前。
Surprisingly, even between strangers than there are bonds of friendship between family members.───出人意料的是,陌生人之间比亲人之间还要有情义。
While some bonds of friendship may be strong enough to span long silences, most aren't.───尽管有的友谊足够牢固,经得起长时间冷却,但大多数是不行的。
Three Gorges Project is those ordinary things moving, pure water and electricity were the bonds of friendship, it is hard to forget.───是三峡工程建设中那些平凡感人的事情,水电人纯洁深厚的友谊,使人难以忘怀。
On this historic occasion, I note the deep and sincere bonds of friendship that unite our people.───在这一历史时刻,我注意到一种深切和诚挚深厚的团结我们的人民友谊。
noble character: honest, frank, heavy bonds of friendship, heavy filial piety, trust, polite.───高尚的品格:正派、坦诚、重情义、重孝道,讲信用,有礼貌。
Although we are separate, but I am still in the bonds of friendship that will always have.───虽然我们要分开了,但是我们那深厚的友谊还在,永远都在。
Over the years the two men had developed deep bonds of friendship.
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