blasted out───爆破
blocked out───封闭;概略画出
blurted out───开始说话,脱口而出
booted out───解雇;撵走;逐出
bottled out───憋得喘不过气来
butted out───撞出
letted out───出租
trotted out───提出…供考虑;炫耀;外出散步
blotting out───完全清除(思想、记忆等);遮盖
time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun.───当3位登山者下到半山腰的时候,云层遮住了太阳。
Clouds blotted out the sun.───云遮住了太阳。
The victim's face was blotted out by a camera blur.───受害者的面部图像被做了模糊处理。
Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.───愿他祖宗的罪孽被耶和华记念。愿他母亲的罪过不被涂抹。
book gummed blotted out too thick can only lead to uneven backs and hard to go back and read, look ugly and waste compounds.───书背胶涂抹过厚只能造成书背不平,不易翻阅、外观难看且浪费胶料。
The first son she bears shall carry on the name of the dead brother so that his name will not be blotted out from Israel.───妇人生的长子必归死兄的名下,免得他的名在以色列中涂抹了。
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.───愿他们从生命册上被涂抹,不得记录在义人之中。
These few past months of his existence must be entirely blotted out.───过去几个月的生活必须统统抹掉。
Yet the sunny optimism of Mr Sharaf and some others in the industry could soon be blotted out like the Walvis Bay sun in a sudden sea fog.───然而,沙拉夫及其他业内人士脸上乐观的笑容可能很快会一扫而光,正如海上突然起雾时,沃尔维斯湾也会突然陷入阴霾。
About the time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun.
- blotted science