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词汇 your father
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Our Father───n.天父(源自《圣经》马太福音)



lone father───独身父亲

to father───致父亲

foster father───养父

cock feather───n.主翼


It's business. Even the shooting of your father was business, not personal.───这是生意, 甚至你爸爸遭枪击也是生意上的利弊问题, 而不是个人情感上的爱憎问题.

This is your father's handwriting.───这是令尊的大笔.

Your father is still in his prime ; why should he be so eager to retire?───尊大人精神正旺, 何以就这般急流勇退?

Like Monsieur Manette, your father, the gentleman was of repute in Paris.───这人跟令尊曼内特先生一样在巴黎也颇有名气.

Have the police been notified of your father's death?───已把令尊逝世的消息通知警方了 吗 ?

Your father is an obvious candidate for a heart attack.───你父亲显然是容易患心脏病的人。

" Why don't you talk it over with your father - in - law ?'suggested Wang.───王先生道: “ 你去跟你老丈商量一下,好 不好 ? ”

Eyeing him, she asked , " Isn't the bank run by your father - in - law?───苏小姐看他一眼道: “ 是不是方先生岳家开的银行?

Every time we asked our mother, she said, "Well, see what your father says."───每次我们问母亲,她总是说:“噢,看你爸爸怎么说。”

You should, however , send a letter of condolence to your father - in - law . "───但汝 岳父 处应去一信唁之. ”

When your father comes home, you'll swing for it!───等你爸爸回来, 你会为这事受惩罚的.

I've met your father and he's rather nice.───我已经见过你爸爸了,他非常和蔼可亲。

You're as tall as your father.───你和你父亲一样高。

Like Monsieur Manette, your father , the gentleman was of Beauvais.───跟令尊大人曼内特先生一样是波维人.

I was very sad indeed to hear of your father's death.───听到令尊大人去世,我感到非常难过。

I've sent messages to your father and he's sent back instructions.───我已经捎信给你爸爸,他也把命令送来了.

But your father stands in the way because of certain unrealistic scruples.───但是你爸爸因为一些不切实际的清规戒律就踟蹰不前,阻碍了生意的前进.

I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.───你爸爸睡着了,你们这些孩子谁也不许在楼上跑来跑去.


No one esteems your father more than I do.

It's time you settled your differences with your father.

Your father’s honour is to you but a second-hand honour. 

Your compliance with his request pleased your father.

Be quiet; don't wake your father up.

Ask your father to help you.

We've had a message that your father is ill.

Stop badgering your father with questions!

Your father will skin you alive.

  • your cost
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  • your gift
  • your queen
  • your dad
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  • your at ease
  • your diary
  • your father
  • your sample text
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  • yours truly
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