

词汇 works in a
释义 works in a
works in a发音



works in───进入;插进

works into───进入;掺和

work in───进入;插进

work into───进入;掺和

works on───影响,对…起作用;继续工作;从事于…;设法说服

clocks in at───打卡时间

works of art───艺术品

walks in on───撞见;不期而遇;突然进来

worked into───进入;掺和


She works in a predominantly male environment.───她在一个男性居多的环境里工作。

She works in a bank. She did when I last saw her, anyway.───她在银行工作。至少我上次见到她时是这样。

librarian works in a library.───图书馆管理员在图书馆里工作。

You are going to hear an interview with a woman who works in a zoo.───你将听到对一位在动物园工作的妇女的采访报道。

Ms. Han works in a government office. Every weekend, this young lady hangs out with her friends from many other circles.───在政府机关工作的韩女士,每个周末都会和在其他行业工作的朋友一起出去玩。

PAULINO CARDOZO from the State of Guerrero works in a greengrocer loading trucks. He sends home $300 a week.───帕利诺卡多佐,来自格雷多,他为水果店做卡车搬运工,他每周寄回家300美元。

Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home.───王叔叔在市中心的一家书店上班,那家书店离他家不远。

Danny likes green. She works in a store. I had a bath yesterday. I played computer a week ago. I was tired last Monday.───丹尼喜欢绿色。她在百货店里工作。我昨天洗澡了。我一星期前玩电脑了。我上周一很累。他们昨天下午在教室里。

Mother works in a government office. Although she's busy with her work, she takes good care of me.───妈妈在政府部门工作,虽然她工作很忙,可是她无微不至地关心我。


She works in a centre for delinquent children.

My sister works in a military hospital.

He works in a small publishing outfit.

She works in a modern office with smoked-glass windows.

She works in a brothel in Brighton.

He works in a factory where they can fruit.

She works in a bank job share.

He works in a factory.

He works in a travel agent's.

  • works overtime
  • workshops for warriors reviews
  • works in a




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