watch for───v.等待;当心;守候
pitch for───推销
vouch for───担保;保证
what for───为什么;为何目的
watched for───v.等待;当心;守候
watches for───v.等待;当心;守候
Even if you do have some extra time (which for many of us is rare), is this new commitment really the way you want to spend that time?───即使你真的有一些额外的时间(这对于我们大多数来说不太可能),你真的想把时间花在这件事情上面吗?
Nowadays, many young girls of medium build tend to lose weight to look more beautiful, which for them can help improve their confidence.───当下,有很多中等身材的年轻女孩倾向于通过减肥来让自己更好看,对于她们来说这样能够帮助提升自信心。
Our grave and reverend servitor had one weakness to which, for the sake of historical accuracy, I feel bound to allude.───我们这位严肃的、受人敬重的仆人有一个缺点。为了记述的正确性,我觉得我不能不提及。
He said the figures which for the first time in 16 months showed a slight drop in unemployment could be the light at the end of the tunnel.───他说,美国失业率16个月来首次出现轻微下降,可以被看成黑暗中的曙光。
And with a mental and legal equipment which for shrewdness and self-interest was not unlike that of lynx or a ferret.───而且在智力方面,法律方面,真有一套,再加上他那种精明、善于为自己打算、真活象一只山猫或是一只雪貂。
he was waiting until the next moment for that predatory leap, which for him was Pixar and then, in an even bigger way, the iPod.───直到下一个“猎食者之跃”时刻到来之前,他一直在等待,这对他而言,之前是皮克斯动画,之后是ipod-----以一种影响更为巨大的方式。
and her brother requires attendance, which, for her sake, I shall supply.───而她哥哥需要人侍候,为了她的缘故我就得补这个缺。
Finally they found a compromise in the conflict between FIA and FOTA which for sure is the best solution for everybody involved.───最后他们为FIA和FOTA之间的冲突找到了能达成协议的东西并达成了协议,这对于每个相关的人来说是最好的解决方案。
Which for Rose increased the appeal of forbidden fruit.
And that faced her with a course of action which, for some obscure reason, seemed rather distasteful now.
The result was an uneasy compromise, in which for some meetings there would be a chairperson, in others not.
The Catfish Club, which for 27 years has been meeting at the Rev.
He smiled back, which for an instant transfigured his unrevealing features.
At the same time another technology emerged which, for small groups at least, added a new dimension to the OHP.
Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed.
It s a visceral, visual and musical experience which, for economic reasons, has become a rarity.
The plans incorporate several revolutionary new concepts which, for obvious reasons, must be kept top secret.
- which day
- which ones
- which once
- which do you like better
- which subject
- which for
- which include
- which way
- which is
- whichever is earlier meaning
- which who what
- which delayed
- which was just as well
- which has
- which is at
- which color
- which grape
- which animal
- which it