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what do you know───你知道什么

what does sb know───某人知道什么

that will do───行了;正合适

what…do with───怎么…怎么办

what do you want───你想要什么;你想怎么样

how do you do───你好

what have you───等等;诸如此类


Now what do I do with that?───现在我要用它来做什么呢?

do I do now?───现在我该怎么办呢?

All of them, every sneaker, boot and sandal, every high heel and clog, every flip-flop. What do I do?───所有的鞋,包括全部的球鞋、靴子、凉鞋,高跟鞋、木屐、人字拖……我该怎么办啊?

I can't get close to her and I can't get what I need from her and I can't talk to her so what do I do?───我不能接近她,也不能得到我需要的东西,甚至我也不能跟她说话,我该怎么办呢?

So it's a little bit of backwards And so you watch this usability test and people kind of get to this point and go, what do I do?───所以这有点落后,所以继续观看此可用性试验,人们有点领会并思考,我该怎么办?

"If I see France looking at Brighton, " he laid his head upon one side, and beamed at Shelton, "what do I do? "───“我要看到法国觊觎勃拉顿,”他把头偏向一边,眉飞色舞地瞧着谢尔顿,“我会怎么办?”

"It's the responsibility of the government to provide toilets, " she said. "Suppose my child has diarrhea . What do I do if I can't pay? "───“政府有责任提供厕所,”她说,“如果我的孩子腹泻,我付不起钱怎么办呢?”

Mubai: You are right, but what do i do then? What I would like is us. . . together as we are here. It gives me a sense of infinite peace.───慕白:说得对,但我能怎么办呢?我希望我们……就样一块儿坐着,我反而能感觉到种极大的平静。

And to answer your question directly of "What do I do if I see her again afterwards" , I'd say that it all depends.───直接回答“如果我以后再看到她该怎么办”的问题,我想说这要看情况。


My animation is looking very weightless and squishy - what do I do?

What do I do there in my rooms before I descend the stairs, return through the door, and wake?

Suppressing the old sense of hopelessness Slote asked, " Okay, what do I do next? "

Now, what do I do until late September when prime-time comes back to life?

Tell me again. What do I do when Mr. Roper calls?

What do I do next?

Stepping forward to receive my award what do I do but fall flat on my face.

What do I do after Hellfire Peninsula?

If this guillotine motion goes through, what do I do about the thousand or so letters that I have downstairs?

  • what i what
  • what can he do
  • what a treat
  • what wanna be
  • what would it be
  • what do i do
  • what a ball
  • what a good day
  • what say you
  • what is mean
  • what s mean
  • what do you like
  • what a study
  • what do do
  • what high
  • what a table
  • what isup
  • what s in it
  • what clan
  • what here
  • what matters




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