

词汇 accrued expense
释义 accrued expense
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accrued expenses───[会计]应计费用

accrued revenue───应计未付薪金;[会计]应计收入

accrued revenues───应收收益

actual expenses───实际开支

accrued interest───[金融]应计利息;[金融]待付利息

current expenses───经常费用;日常费用

accrued income───应计收入

car expenses───汽车费用

cover expenses───支付费用;负担费用


IFRS requires a detailed disclosure of the nature of each accrued expense and the nature of the changes to those accrued expenses.───国际财务报告准则要求详细披露每个预提费用的性质和应计费用的性质变化。

good example of an accounts payable is a legal bill you have not paid. A good example of an accrued expense is employee benefits that you have not yet been billed for that you accrue for each month.───计费用的一个很好例子就是,你每月应计而尚未开单的雇员福利。

A good example of an accrued expense is employee benefits that you have not yet been billed for that you accrue for each month.───应计费用的一个很好例子就是,你每月应计而尚未开单的雇员福利。

Prepare journal vouchers for all accrued expense to support monthly closing.───為所有预提费用準备传票,以支持月末结帐。

However the tax laws don't allow listing the accrued expense as pre-tax expenditures.───但是税法是不允许各种预提费用税前列支的。


Expense incurred but not yet paid, including accrued payroll, accrued rent payable, accrued interest payable , accrued VAT payable , accrued taxes payable -other and other accrued expense payable.

Prepare journal vouchers for all accrued expense to support monthly closing.

  • accrued definition
  • accrued payroll




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