utterly different───完全不同
wage differential───工资差别;[劳经]工资差额
wholly different───完全不同
wildly different───完全不同
behave differently───表现不同
entirely different───完全不同的;截然不同的;泾渭分明的
huge difference───巨大的差异
time difference───n.时差
Clinical features of appendicitis during pregnancy were different from appendicitis during non-pregnancy.───妊娠期阑尾炎与非妊娠期阑尾炎的临床特征不同。
Things were different in the old days.───从前的情况可不一样。
Sometimes I also wished that my grousing brother and my cheeky little sister were different.───有时我也希望我那爱发牢骚的哥哥和厚脸皮的小妹妹能有所不同。
The Delegation said that it was a role that WIPONET had been able to play, although its objectives as a network were different.───该代表团说,这是WIPONET一直以来所能发挥的作用,尽管WIPONET作为一个网络的宗旨与此不同。
Those were different times. There is no way that sort of borrowing could be obtained now to put that sort of deal together.───现在这种借贷已不能获得金融公司通过,更不用说要完成收购球会的交易。
but, all the same, she could quickly see that we were different and that I was - an enigma.───但是,她还是很快发现了,我们差别太大,我是一个猜不透的谜。
Some of the men had two or three urine tests at different times, and the levels of BPA were different at each test.───有些男性做过2到3次不同时间的尿液检测,每次检测的BPA水平都不同。
Mr Durrant said he began to suspect they were different colours when second-born Miya arrived.───在第二个出生的米亚降临之前,杜兰先生就开始怀疑她们将是不同肤色的。
As he treed, he encountered many different species that were different and yet, so much the same.───他在旅途中遇到过各种各样的动物,他(它)们虽然各种各样,但也有许多共同点。
In my days things were different.
Things were different in the old days.
Oh, if only he were different!
The uniforms were different but the faces were the same: narrow and stern with a hint of cruelty in the eyes.
In Oxford, after his conversion, things were different.
Not much money but things were different in the twenties.
Things were different when I was a lad.
Now, leaving aside the case where there were different organic compositions of capital, we can see what happens.
Of course he and the pickpocket were different.
- were tired
- were i was
- were glasses
- were on
- were taken
- were is it
- were out
- were are you now
- were different
- were obradford
- were coming
- were designed