sacred bamboo───神竹
sacred bamboos───神竹
heavenly bamboo───天竹
to gambol───甘博
to mambo───这个曼波
to taboo───忌讳
kite balloon───系留气球
to bamboozle───哄骗
Thee researchers said that giant pandas evolved from bears that ate both plants and meat, and started eating bamboo exclusively about two million years ago.───研究人员们称,大熊猫从杂食性熊进化而来,并在大约两百万年前开始专吃竹子。
there were the time you ate all my bamboo furniture.───有次你把我所有的竹子家具都吃光了。
I kept recalling the vegetables and fruits I ate as a child in my old home: caltrops, horse-beans, water bamboo shoots, musk-melons.───我有一时,曾经屡次忆起儿时在故乡所吃的蔬果:菱角,罗汉豆,茭白,香瓜。
"I always thought they were cute and just ate bamboo, " Zhang said.───张说:“我总是认为它们很可爱只会吃竹子。”
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