

词汇 at bottom
释义 at bottom
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adv.实际上; 说到底; 骨子里


to bottom───到底部

black bottom───黑臀舞


false bottom───n.(船只,箱子,抽屉等夹层的)假底,活底;adj.活底的

front bottom───前底部

rock bottom───最低点

black bottoms───黑臀舞

false bottoms───n.(船只,箱子,抽屉等夹层的)假底,活底;adj.活底的



At bottom, he is convinced that their ways are the best.───心底里, 他信服他们的方法是最好的.

At bottom I am not a coward.───其实我不是胆小鬼.

He's a good fellow at bottom.───他本质上是个好人.

But what was June, 1848, at bottom?───但是,究其实,1848年六月到底是怎么回事?

At bottom, such an attitude is born not of concern for your welfare, but out of fear of losing you.───实际上,这种态度并非源自对你幸福的关心,而是出于害怕失去你。

At bottom both were troubled and ashamed, for he was a high - up son of Temperance.───他们俩内心都感到不安和惭愧, 因为他是个有名的戒酒会会员.

The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.───这两个系统实质上是两种概念模式。

He seems aggressive but at bottom he is kind and good - natured.───他表面上好与人争,而实际上却很善良厚道.

At bottom we knew how intractable the world was.───实际上,我们知道这个世界是多么难对付.

rotor is at bottom of the picture.───图片底部是转子。

He pretends to be very hard, but he's a kind man at bottom.───他装得很严厉, 而实质上是个好心肠的人.

The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models.───这两个系统实际上是概念模型。

At bottom of EOS Tower, lies the Alien infested Omega Sector!───在玩具塔的底部,有袭击地球防御本部的外星人!

Though I am very smooth externally, at bottom I am very passionate.───尽管我外表和颜悦色, 心底里也有感情的狂澜.

But she's tractable at bottom.───不过她骨子里还得算是个听话的.

Parental love is so touching and at bottom so childish.───双亲的爱如此动人,从根本上讲如此富有孩子气.

There is still pain at bottom vertebra of the buttock!───屁股处的尾椎骨还在一阵阵的痛!

Detail view of light sensors at bottom of transfer line.───传输管底端之光线感测器详图.

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