

词汇 went straight
释义 went straight
went straight发音




set straight───纠正;全神贯注;直视前方

stand straight───立正;站直

back straight───非终点直道;反手直线球(乒乓球术语);拔背

go straight───直走;改过自新

home straight───(赛马等跑道的)终点直道

get sth straight───办好;搞通;了解

back straights───非终点直道;反手直线球(乒乓球术语);拔背

home straights───(赛马等跑道的)终点直道

play it straight───直接播放


The new album went straight to number one.───这张新的歌曲专辑一举登上了周销售量榜首。

I was so tired I went straight to bed.───我太累,径直上床睡了。

The bullet went straight through him.───子弹从他身上穿了过去。

He looked down into the water and watched the lines that went straight down into the dark of the water.───他俯视水中,注视着那几根一直下垂到黑魆魆的深水里的钓索。

pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door.───我呆立了一分钟,然后做了我当时唯一能做的事:拉开大门,走向我的汽车。

By the time I got home it was already 3am. I was so tired I didn't even shower and went straight to bed.───最后,我回到家已是深夜三时,累得没有洗澡,立即上床睡觉去了。

and when a giant walking through the field brushed against her, he went straight through the hat as though it were a shadow.───当一个巨人朝她迎面走来的时候,照直从她的帽子里穿过去了,好像那只是个影子。

Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger.───蟾蜍立时紧张起来,可是河鼠诡秘地冲他点点头,径直走到门口,打开门。进来的是獾先生。

Doug : I can't believe with all that twisting his head went straight into the water.───道格:真不敢相信那样转体回旋之后,他还能头朝下笔直入水。


The bullet went straight through him.

He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi.

His new book went straight to number one on the best-seller list .

After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach.

The car skidded on the ice and went straight into the wall.

Eva went straight to the hotel, as instructed .

I got home and went straight to bed.

The cider was very strong and went straight to our heads.

Her new single went straight to number one in the pop charts .

  • wentc mp ng
  • went up to sb
  • went skiing
  • went off
  • went over
  • went out of his way
  • went out for a walk
  • went to be
  • went wild
  • went out of
  • went back
  • went for
  • went slowly back to
  • went tothe
  • went past
  • went underwater
  • went to
  • went viral
  • went up to
  • went straight
  • went comping




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