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词汇 watch over
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watched over───看守;监视;照管

watches over───看守;监视;照管

switch over───转接;转做另一工作

wash over───v.溅泼


to watch over───看管

watching over───看守;监视;照管


Dutch oven───荷兰灶;荷兰烤肉锅


Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back.───让一天使监视你, 但它回去问为什么.

Electronic monitors would watch over the public areas so that there would be little crime.───电子监视器将对公共场所进行监视,因此犯罪活动可能很少.

The man has been appointed to watch over the project.───这人被指定负责这项工程.

There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night And lo!───野地里有牧羊的人, 夜间按着更次看管羊群.看哪!

Cenarius: Now my warriors cleanse these brutes wilds! I will watch over you from the forest.───塞纳留斯: 目前,我的懦夫们,把这些野兽排除进来! 我会在森林中守护们.

Parents shouldn't watch over their children while they study.───父母不应看着孩子学习.

Some just prefer to sleep outside, to keep watch over their property, or to get out from the stifling heat indoors.───还有的只是喜欢睡在室外,方便看守他们的财产,或者是为了远离室内的闷热。

They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season.───在整个生长季节,他们都认真地守着葡萄园.

He was made to watch over the brigade's sheep.───让他给大队看羊.

The mother kept a watch over the sick child all night.───母亲整夜照顾生病的孩子.

The soldiers were close watch over the enemies.───士兵们严密注意著敌人的行动.

A new minister has been appointed to watch over the welfare of disabled people.───已任命一位新部长负责照管残疾人的福利.

There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.───路加福音2:8在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊人, 夜间按着更次看守羊群.

"I," he finished poetically, "will watch over you to the break of day."───“我,”他以富有诗意的语言结尾,“将守候着你,直至晨光初露。”

Please watch over my suitcase while I go to get my ticket.───在我去买票的时候请帮我看一下手提箱.

They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season.───整个生长季节,他们都认真地守着葡萄园。

May God watch over you and your family now and always.───愿上帝看顾保守你的和你的家人,从今时直到永远.

Can you keep watch over the goods until my partners come back?───你能看着这些货物直到我父母回来 吗 ?

Regarding screws loosen, I've informed production department to watch over this problem.───关于螺丝松懈, 我通知生产部门观看这个问题.

I look up and see the morning star keeping white watch over a white world.───抬头仰望,启明星闪闪烁烁,俯瞰着这个白茫茫的世界.

Am I aa whale, that thou a watch over me?───我对神说、我岂是洋海 、 岂是大鱼、你竟防守我 呢 .

And ask them to watch over you.───请求她们看护你.

The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built.───最初雇门卫是为了看护正在修建的房子。

May my ancestors watch over me!───愿我的祖先注视着我!

For now thou numberest my steps dost thou not watch over my sin?───如今你计数我的脚步,不是在窥察我的罪过 么 ?

May God be with you, and watch over thee until my return.───神主与在, 当睹卿待吾之归程.

The letter also called for an independent scientific advisory board to watch over Cape Wind.───信中还呼吁建立一个独立的科学咨询委员会,监督海角风.

Would you please watch over my booth?───请您照料一下我的摊位好 吗 ?

many of them are coming back to watching TV because they can watch over the internet, when they want, and how they want.───当中的很多人都转回来看电视,因为他们可以通过互联网随时、随意地进行观看。

Could you watch ( over ) my clothes while I have a swim?───我游泳时你看着我的衣物行 吗 ?

Blessed father watch over my wife and son with a ready sword.───天上的父亲,求你保佑我的妻儿.

Faced with various consumption traps, consumers should keep a close watch over their purses.───面对各种消费陷阱, 消费者可要看紧自己的钱包.


The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built.

  • watchword def
  • watch the sun
  • watch ng
  • watches out
  • watch far
  • watch it
  • watch case
  • watching for
  • watch ngTV
  • watch on
  • watchmaking school
  • watch party
  • watch the moon
  • watch for children
  • watch a video
  • watch you
  • watched out
  • watchfulness def
  • watchword matrix
  • watch the news
  • watch me shine




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