

词汇 voluntary activities
释义 voluntary activities
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solar activities───[天]太阳活动;[天]太阳活动性

voluntary agencies───任意代理

voluntary associations───自治组织;自愿组合

voluntary association───自治组织;自愿组合

optical activities───[光]旋光性

planetary activity───行星活动

undertake activities───开展活动

vacuum activities───n.真空活动

voluntary bodies───志愿机构


I took part in the voluntary activities organised by the school.───我参加了学校组织的志愿者活动。

She has a busy timetable , but still finds time for voluntary activities during the weekends.───她的时间表排得很满,但在周末她仍然抽出时间来参加志愿者活动。

We need better mechanisms to encourage and support voluntary activities.───我们需要更好的机制来鼓励和支持志愿活动。

These teams harnessed their voluntary activities to a continuing series of events, many staged from the external environment.───这些团队利用他们的志愿活动维持着一系列持续的外部性事件。

Schools should do well the work of organizing, associating, training and evaluating when they develop voluntary activities.───学校在开展志愿服务活动时要做好组织、协调、培训、考评工作;

but different from gender, experience in other voluntary activities, and religion.───因性别、其他志工经验、宗教信仰而有所差异。

It previously only allowed workers to claim two hours' overtime a month for such "voluntary" activities.───对于这种“自发”活动,丰田原先只同意工人将此算成每月加班两小时。

Gateball also encourages voluntary activities and in that way contributes to society.───门球也鼓励志愿者的奉献义举。而奉献义举有助于社会。


Numerous forms of disease and injury are predictably related to voluntary activities.

Employment opportunities - both in paid jobs and in voluntary activities - should be explored.

  • voluntary schemes
  • voluntary muscle
  • voluntary activities




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