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词汇 volcanic rock
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volcanic bomb───[地质]火山弹(指火山爆发喷出的圆形和椭圆形熔岩块)

volcanic cone───[地质]火山锥

volcanic bombs───[地质]火山弹

volcanic cones───[地质]火山锥

volcanic ash───[地质]火山灰

volcanic dust───火山尘

volcanic pipe───火山筒

volcanic plug───火山塞;火山颈

volcanic glass───[地质]火山玻璃(又称松脂石,火山熔岩急冷时形成的天然玻璃);黑曜岩


Volcanic rock from two eruptive sources, Taoyuan - Hongxing and southern Dapingfang weaves and superimposes reciprocally in strata.───桃园 - 红星方向和大平房以南两个喷发源所喷发出的火山岩相互交织叠置于地层之间.

In this area the density value of logging response of volcanic rock correlate well with porosity.───同时发现该区火山岩测井响应的密度值与孔隙度之间具有很好的相关性.

Jiamuhe formation along the northwestern margin of the Junggar basin is volcanic rock bearing stratum.───准噶尔盆地西北缘五八区二迭系佳木河组是含火山岩系地层,即火山岩和碎屑岩混积地层.

The Badao deposit is a typical Mesozoic volcanic rock - hosting deposit.───八道金矿为延吉中生代火山岩型金矿中较为典型的矿床之一.

Sometimes visitors are able to walk out near the edge of this new black volcanic rock.───有时,游客们可以走到这些新形成的黑色的火山岩边缘。

The carrier of the modified filter medium is the volcanic rock coated with a polycondensate modifier.───改性滤料的载体为火山岩,火山岩上涂有缩聚物改性剂.

Sandstone reservoir and volcanic rock distribute alternately, their thicknesses are negative correlation.───砂岩储层与火山岩是互层分布, 其厚度呈负相关.

Songshunangou gold deposit is located in the volcano - tectonic depression, the mineralization relates to volcanic rock.───松树南淘金矿受火山构造洼地制约, 成矿作用与火山岩有关.

I had to do an in - class presentation on volcanic rock formation.───我曾在班内做过一次关于火山岩成因的讲演.

Basalt is the commonest volcanic rock.───玄武岩是最普通的火山岩.

Volcanic rock can become favorable oil - gas reservoirs.───火山岩可以成为良好的油气储层.

The sample consisted of pebbles of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock.───这个样本由石膏鹅卵石和火山岩碎块组成.

Volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian.───火山岩包括黑曜岩火山玻璃.

It's built on volcanic rock and ash.───该城建立在火成岩与火山灰上.

Irruptive rock body reservoir is one of important volcanic rock reservoirs.───摘要侵入岩体油气藏是火成岩油气藏的重要类型之一.

believed to be a low-relief shield volcano, and its dark color comes from basaltic volcanic rock.───认为这块区域是一处低幅度的盾形火山,深色的岩石是玄武岩。

Ciweigou deposit is one of the typical volcanic rock gold deposits in the country.───刺猬沟金矿,是我国典型的火山岩型金矿之一.

  • volcanic glass
  • volcanic explosion
  • volcanic rocks
  • volcanic rock mud film




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