visitor centre───访客中心;游客中心
visitor centres───访客中心;游客中心
storm center───暴风中心;[气象]风暴中心
business center───[贸易]商业中心
crisis center───危机中心
storm centers───暴风中心;[气象]风暴中心
visitors taxes───游客税
Spectators gather to watch the Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-135 take off at the Visitors Center at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida July 8, 2011.───观众聚集观看航天飞机“亚特兰蒂斯”STS - 135在7月8日,佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角肯尼迪航天中心,2011年游客中心。
The last 35 minutes of Edward Felt's life, and others on the plane, are explained at the new visitors center.───这个新游客中心讲述了爱德华·费尔特(Edward Felt)和机上其他乘客生命中最后35分钟。
First they visited the Visitors'Center.───首先他们参观了游客中心.
The visitors'center at the park is open the summer. The museum is open all year.───公园的游客中心在夏季对外营业, 而博物馆则是一年四季都向公众开放.
First they visited the Visitors center and watched a movie about sharks.───首先他们去了游客中心,看了关于鲨鱼的电影.
He concedes that the visitors center may have to pay shipping costs to return the goods but said, "if we have to lose a little bit, we'll lose a little bit."───他承认,游客中心可能得偿付退回货物的运输成本,但是他表示:“要是我们不得不承受点儿损失的话,我们会承受损失的。”
Behind the desk was Jim Bell, the voluble park ranger in charge of the one-room visitors center.
Locals pile garbage beside the forlorn visitors center.
- visitors center