上上下下; 起落
ups and downs───n.沉浮;盛衰;高低
up and doing───敏捷;忙碌;活泼
cap and gown───学位服
to hand down───传
hand down───宣布;把…传下去
plane down───刨平
sand down───用砂纸磨光表面
stand down───退出(比赛或竞选);离开证人席;退职;顺潮航行
to stand down───退出
A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.───一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动着.
He kept pumping my hand up and down.───他不停地摇动着我的手。
Then I noticed the car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.───然后我注意到那辆车在上下颠簸,好像有人在车上蹦跳似的。
The piston slides noiselessly up and down.───这个活塞上下活动,没有响声.
He paced up and down restlessly, trying to put his thoughts in order.───他坐立不安地走来走去,尽力想理清思绪。
There's a lot of rushing up and down the gangways.───舷梯上许多人上上下下。
He could not lie still, but rampaged up and down his bedroom.───他不能静静地躺着, 而在卧室里冲来撞去.
Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.───士兵在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。
"What is wrong with you, acting like that," she raved, pacing up and down frantically.───“你是怎么回事,竟然做出那种事,”她咆哮着,发疯一样走来走去。
Window cleaners are pulled up and down tall buildings on cradles.───窗户清洁工乘坐能升降的吊篮清洗高层建筑物的窗子.
She was jumping up and down.───她上上下下地蹦着.
He was looking up and down the road as if he were expecting someone.───他向大道上张望着,好像盼着什么人呢!
He jigged up and down with excitement.───他激动得又蹦又跳。
He introduced himself as "the leader" and strutted up and down like a peacock.───他自称“领导”,像个孔雀似的趾高气扬地走来走去。
The child stared the stranger up and down.───那孩子上下打量着这个陌生人.
The waves were about five feet now, and the bow of the boat was leaping up and down.───那时浪高大约有5英尺,船头在上下颠簸。
I don't think a lot of people will jump up and down and say "thank heavens"..───我并不认为很多人会欣喜若狂地说“感谢上帝”。
The water buffalo squelched up and down the paddy fields, pulling the plough.───水牛拉着犁,在稻田里咕唧咕唧地走着.
He paced nervously up and down on the platform.───他在站台上情绪不安地走来走去.
This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.───这个话题举国上下的学者都非常关切。
I strolled up and down thoughtfully before calling a taxi.───我踱来踱去仔细思量后叫了一辆出租车。
The tiger paced up and down the cage.───老虎在笼中走来走去.
He paced up and down, fulminating against Thomas.───他一边来回踱步, 一边大声怒斥托马斯.
He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.───他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的跺着脚又叫又跳。
I looked up and down the corridor.───我来回扫视着走廊。
They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off.───他们进入了前厅,跺着靴子,蹦跳着抖掉身上的雪。
We bobbed gently up and down on the swell of the incoming tide.───我们随着涨潮的浪涌轻轻地起伏。
With an elevator in the skyscraper , we can easily go up and down.───摩天楼里有电梯, 上下很方便.
If you run your eye up and down these columns you will see that the value of some of them declined.───你把这几列上下扫视一遍,就会发现其中有些贬值了。
- up the wall
- upland lowlife
- update cancel
- up on top
- up and up
- up stand
- up the stair
- upper peninsula
- upturned nose
- upholstery fabric
- up and running
- upwards slash
- upload error
- up up
- up up and away
- upper scales
- up look down
- upbraid clue
- upwards and sideways
- up if
- update date