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词汇 cultural relativism
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cultural relativity───文化相对性

cultural activity───文化活动

cultural pluralism───文化多元主义;文化多元性

cultural imperialism───文化帝国主义

cultural lags───n.文化落后

general relativity───[相对]广义相对论;一般相对论

natural realism───自然现实主义

cultural expectations───文化期待

cultural awareness───文化意识


Traditionalists may howl, but in today's world, cultural relativism rules.───传统主义者们也许会叫嚣反对,但在当今世界,文化相对论确实占统治地位。

Ethnocentrism is introduced in the section of Literature Review, because it is the opposite of cultural relativism.───综述部分引入了民族中心主义的概念,因为它是文化相对论的对立面。

I don't think, some do, that the question of cultural relativism has been solved.───虽然有些人持相反观点,但我觉得,文化相对主义这个问题并没有被解决。

The concept of cultural relativism suggests that their perception of those ethics may be a case of seeing what they want to see.───的概念,文化相对论表明,他们认为这些道德的案件可能会看到他们想看到的。

This view is often referred to dismissively as 'cultural relativism'.───这种见解经常被轻蔑地说成是“文化相对主义”。

Cultural relativism, then, cannot be a solution in the terms of an ethics of the open subject.───然而在公开主体的道德操守角度,文化相对主义不是解决方案。

Since the 1960s, he argues, society has been marked by a growing sense of cultural relativism, epitomised by anthropology.───他辩称,自上世纪60年代以来,社会的特点一直是文化相对主义的兴起,集中体现在人类学方面。

The cultural consciousness in the sense of anthropology has brought forth the change from cultural centralism to cultural relativism.───人类学意义上的文化自觉带来了从文化中心主义到文化相对主义的转变。

at least it's inextricably and cultural relativism is Yiwangerzhi to.───至少它和文化相对论的难解难分,是一望而知的。


PB : What is your take on cultural relativism?

However, the force of cultural relativism may also be at work here at home.

Traditionalists may howl, but in today's world, cultural relativism rules.

In one of the earliest known expressions of cultural relativism, Xenophanes remarked that Homer's gods were simply a reflection of Homerian culture.

Section 5 : Debating Universalism versus Cultural Relativism : How Is the Notion of Culture Discussed?

A characteristic of economistic discourses, this program of cultural relativism problematically treats know-ledge as commensurable units, as if it were information moving within a closed system.

The problem of epistemological and cultural relativism, amongst other things, looms large here.

  • cultural value
  • cultural identity
  • cultural anthropology
  • cultural misunderstanding
  • cultural centres




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