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词汇 uneven road
释义 uneven road
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bee road───蜜蜂路

beef road───牛肉路

feeder road───分路支线;接驳道路

gravel road───碎石路

open road───敞开的路;开敞锚地;乡村道路

uneven bars───高低杠,高低杆

feeder roads───分路支线;接驳道路

congested road───拥挤的道路

Seven Seas───世界七大洋


The asphalt mixtures segregation problem is caused by uneven road surface of the main reasons and is to reduce the deadly disease of pavement performance.───沥青混合料离析是造成路面不均匀的主要原因,是降低路面使用性能的顽症。

they add that Indian businesses face several bottlenecks on the uneven road to growth.───他们还认为,在崎岖的发展道路上,许多印度企业已经面临诸多瓶颈。

For preventing the transmission of shock from uneven road surfaces to the vehicle, springs are used to support the vehicle on the axle.───为避免从不平顺的道路表面到车辆的震惊的传输,春天用来在轮轴上支援车辆。

Some shattered at the road bumps, part of the road surface water, a few cars driving slowly on the uneven road.───有的震裂处路面凸起,部分路面出现积水,少量汽车在凹凸不平的路上缓慢行驶。

With so many competitors, re-elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy's fear of uneven road.───面对众多竞争对手,法国总统萨科齐的连任之路恐不平坦。

And they add that Indian businesses face several bottlenecks on the uneven road to growth.───此外,他们还认为,在崎岖的发展道路上,许多印度企业已经面临诸多瓶颈。

the other is random vibration that caused by uneven road.───二是道路高低不平引起的无规则的振动-随机振动。

A Review of Tire Models for Vehicle Dynamics Simulation on Uneven Road───用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型综述


Bump integrator [ highways ]: Type of machine for measuring uneven road surfaces.

This essay also analyses the strength of steering knuckle's stress, according to three dangerous work situations: emergent braking, sidewise slide, and passing uneven road surface.

an uneven road surface.

The jeep barreled along at about 60 mph on an uneven road.

Nissan X - Trail's suspension will be more ups and uneven road surfaces effectively filter out.

  • uneven skin tone
  • uneven road




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