service roads───便道;辅助道路
service areas───服务区(常见于公路边上)
service break───发球员输掉发球的一局;破发球局
service area───服务区(常见于公路边上)
service book───祈祷书;礼拜仪式书
service cap───[军]军帽
service flat───提供勤杂服务的一套公寓房间;(英)旅馆式公寓套间
What I see is the parking lot, and the service road.───我看见的就是一个停车场,还有便道。
Along a service road abutting the motorway on high ground, you see four abandoned houses.───沿着高处与高速公路平行的一条便道行驶,你会看到四幢废弃的房屋。
Service road?───服务道路?。
When Timmy found out three hours later, he dumped Helen and the basket with me in it on the service road of Interstate 10, near Lafayette.───当提米三个小时后发现真相时,他在10号州级公路的服务点抛弃了海伦和我,这个地方靠近拉法叶特。
The service road ran parallel to the busy East Imperial Highway, less than half a mile away.───这条侧道与车来车往的东帝国干道平行,彼此之间的距离不到半英里。
After a few hundred yards, Rosenberg turned onto a service road.───骑行几百码之后,他拐上一条便道。
The stacking area for other coaches will be same as the drop off zone and at Eastern Hospital Road and Eastern Hospital Service Road near.───其他旅游车可使用旅游车落客区或使用东院道及东院道辅助道路近佛教黄凤翎中学候客。
Create China (soccer) World Cup bid for Shanghai (Suzhou River) East Service Road stadium, the new building;───创建中国(足球)世界杯申办上海杨浦区周家牌路比赛场馆建设;
- services msc
- service road
- service blocked
- serviceable unit
- service req
- service free
- service contract