prison authorities───监狱当局
port authorities───[水运]港务局(portauthority的复数)
tax authorities───税务机构
education authorities───教育主管部门
aviation authorities───民航当局
local authorities───地方当局,地方政权
unitary authorities───单一管理区
water authorities───水务管理局
immigration authorities───移民局
The Turkish authorities are using a mix of entreaty and threats to ensure they get what they want.───土耳其当局用恳求和威胁的手段确保得到他们想要的东西。
the case got started, Turkish authorities arrested more than 20 hardline nationalists, including two retired generals.───这个案子开审之际,土耳其当局逮捕了20多个强硬的民族主义者,包括两名退役将军。
We will be sharing all the information that we have and I assume the Turkish authorities will do likewise.───我们将分享我们掌握的所有资料,并且我认为土耳其当局也会这样做的。
Just as the case got started, Turkish authorities arrested more than 20 hardline nationalists, including two retired generals.───在这个案子开审之际,土耳其当局逮捕了20多个强硬的民族主义者,包括两名退役将军。
We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish ally in this difficult time, and are ready to assist the Turkish authorities.───在这个艰难的时刻,我们与我们的土耳其盟友并肩站在一起,并随时准备向土耳其当局提供援助。
Since the operation began on Thursday night with aerial and artillery bombardments , Turkish authorities claim that. . .───自此次行动与周四晚间的空中和火炮轰炸开始后,土耳其当局宣称…
Currently, the Turkish authorities concerned are investigating the cause of this accident.───目前,土耳其有关方面正在调查这起交通事故的原因。
In March, Turkish authorities also seized the cargo of an Iranian plane bound for Syria because the shipment violated U. N. sanctions.───今年三月,土耳其当局还缴获开往叙利亚的伊朗飞机的货物,因为货物违反了联合国的制裁。
- turkish authorities