

词汇 beyond me
释义 beyond me
beyond me发音



second men───n.火车司机的助手

beyond number───adj.无数的(数不清的)


beyond price───无价的

beyond compare───adv.非常好;无以伦比

beyond measure───无可估量,极度

second home───第二故乡;第二住所


How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me.───哈里在作这类表演时何以能装得一本正经,我实在有点弄不懂.

It's beyond me why she married him.───我无法理解她为什么嫁给他.

I understood in general what she was talking about, but some of the finer details were beyond me.───我大致知道她在说什么,但是一些更具体的细节没弄明白。

It's beyond me to spank him.───我舍不得打他.

's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.───我无法理解她为什么要嫁给杰夫。

How you get any work done is beyond me.───我确实不理解你们怎么还能做事.

If it is beyond John, it is certainly beyond me.───如果约翰弄不懂的话, 我肯定也弄不懂.

If the work is beyond Tom , it is certainly beyond me.───如果汤姆干不了这项工作, 我也干不了.

How he managed to find us is beyond me.───我们不知道他是怎样设法找到我们的.

How he managed to find us was beyond me.───我真想不透他是如何找到我们的.

The book is beyond me; it went over my head.───这本书我看不懂, 它太难理解了.

Why that drag faux paux does not anger the judges is beyond me.───为什么那种假冒伪劣的人不会激怒法官,这超出了我的范围。

How people design computer games is beyond me.───我不明白电脑游戏是怎麽设计的.

" I can not say, I am afraid it's Beyond me. "───我说不上来.这恐怕不是我能了解的.

Young girl: Ah! Why ? Why do you arrive beyond me?───少女: 啊! 怎么、你比我先到?

It's quite beyond me to speak on a spacious topic like this.───我实在讲不了这般博大广泛的题目.

I'd say running a factory may be beyond me.───我看经营一家工厂非我力所能及.

It's beyond me why she wants to marry Geoff.───我不能理解她为什麽要和杰弗结婚.


It's beyond me why she wants to marry Geoff.

Such things are beyond me.

I'm afraid physics is completely beyond me.

It's beyond me why she married him.

It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.

This book is quite beyond me.

It's quite beyond me why she married such a heavy smoker.

I'm afraid this task is beyond me.

How people design computer games is beyond me.

  • beyond me
  • beyond all question
  • beyond beauty
  • beyond amani
  • beyond eyes
  • beyond expectations
  • beyond dispute
  • beyond counting
  • beyond question
  • beyond any doubt
  • beyond the reach of




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