

词汇 trade price
释义 trade price
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trade prices───批发价

bride price───彩礼,聘礼

trade-in price───折价

bride prices───彩礼,聘礼

strike price───执行价格

trade-in prices───价格交易

base price───[物价]底价,基价


The industry's giants trade price - earnings multiple , reflecting fears that the days of blockbuster drugs are over.───医药产业巨头将市场盈利率加倍,然后打折出售, 这表明他们担心药物风靡的时代已经完结.

the enterprise's value, which calculated by enterprise's value assessment method, is not the real trade price.───这些衍生产品将在交易所交易,或是使用另类互换交易设施进行交易,这将改善交易前和交易后的价格透明度。

Such derivatives would be traded on exchanges or alternative swap execution facilities, which would improve pre - and post-trade price transparency.───根据国际公平贸易标签组织公平贸易农民以公平贸易价格仅仅卖出他们咖啡的20%左右。因为缺乏需求剩下的按照世界价格卖出。需求能通过大的公平贸易合作买卖来创造。

The Company to agriculture, trade - based, long - term mass production of sideline products and other trade, price distinctions.───本公司以农业, 贸易为主, 长期 大量生产农副产品和其他贸易, 价格优.


I bought my coat direct from the factory at trade price.

Cheng Bingfang's case of controlling securities trade price, who was the former senior management of Yian Group.

The industry's giants trade price - earnings multiple ,(Sentencedict.com ) reflecting fears that the days of blockbuster drugs are over.

The 2010 Iron Ore trade price will certainly rise in great extent, as the recovery of the world economy, especially the recovery of steel industry.

The party B delivers goods according to the trade price from the part A. And the part B can enjoy some discount according to the sales at the end of the year.

The trade price and volume of the power market and the reverse market can be obtained by solving the model.

According to Fair Trade Labeling Organizations International, Fair Trade farmers sell only about 20% of their coffee at a Fair Trade price. The rest is sold at the world price, due to lack of demand.

The " trade price", at which one dealer sells to another, is always at least 10 per cent less than the marked figure.

Why are the trade price of glasses and price difference very big?

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