

词汇 to shower
释义 to shower
to shower发音



to reshower───二次重演

to cower───畏缩

to dower───是嫁妆吗

to flower───开花结果

to glower───两个发光体

to lower───减少;转移到下键盘

to power───给力

to sewer───去下水道

to sheer───为了纯粹


There wasn't time to shower or change clothes.───没时间洗澡或换衣服了。

My mom told me I would have to shower every morning since my hormones were kicking in - that's why I perspired so easily.───我妈妈要我每天早上都洗一个澡,因为我身上的荷尔蒙猛增——这就是我容易出汗的原因。

They had allowed her to shower and change.───他们已允许她沐浴更衣。

I greeted them and said that if they'd wait for me to shower and get dressed for church, I'd take them into the Oval Office for a picture.───我向他们打招呼,并告诉他们,如果等我洗完澡并换上去教堂的衣服,我会领他们到总统使用的椭圆形办公室合个影。

I used to shower in the evenings, but I found that morning showers helped me to be more alert.───我原来都是在晚上沐浴,但是我发现早上沐浴可以让我更清醒。

By 7pm I was ready to head home, but felt so sweaty I decided to shower in the office bathroom.───7点的时候我准备走人,但是觉得浑身都是汗,就想在办公室的卫生间里冲个凉。

So, to remind the inhabitants that this is, indeed, Antarctica, they will be allowed to shower only twice a week.───于是,为了提醒驻足者不忘他们身处南极,每周他们只允许洗两次澡。

He first had to shower, scrub his boots and strip off his silks for laundering before being allowed to come into contact with his wife.───丹尼首先须要洗澡,清洗他的靴子,脱掉他的丝绸进行洗烫,之后他才能与他的妻子接触。

And if I choose to shower her with fancier gifts in years to come, just as a friend, then that's my business, isn't it?───如果我选择在今后的日子里,以朋友的身份不断送给她各种迷人的礼物,那就是我的事情了,不是吗?


It's so hot there, you have to shower three or four times a day.

She began to shower him with desperate gifts.

He says to shower for at least 10 minutes and not to opt for a bath.

There wasn't time to shower or change clothes.

Impatient with herself, she went to shower and put on her red velvet dress.

I was shaved, given an enema, sent to shower and then directed to a bed in the delivery room.

It has started to shower; I'm sure to get wet.

They had allowed her to shower and change.

There was no relief except to shower with bottles of cold water from Mrs Puri's fridge.

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