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词汇 top priority
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key priority───重中之重

give priority───优先考虑

high priority───n.高优先级

main priority───主要职责;首要任务

to prioritise───排序

to prioritize───按轻重缓急



The development of the national economy is a top priority.───发展国民经济是应予以最优先考虑的事.

Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority.───清洁供水系统是他们的当务之急。

A free - trade pact with China should be a top priority.───跟中国的自由贸易协议应该是优先考虑的重点.

Levelling out the pavement in Queen Street is a top priority.───让皇后大街的人行道变得平坦是最优先考虑的事.

Giving top priority almost all - knowing teacher will allow students to respect.───举一反三,举重若轻,信手拈来,几乎无所不知的老师才会让学生肃然起敬.

How to raise it combustion control system task of top priority.───因此提高其燃烧控制系统的控制水平是当务之急.

As a top priority, we reviewed the global and regional economic situation.───我们首先回顾了全球和地区经济形势.

Education is a top priority.───教育是当务之急。

Spain's top priority is the signing of the treaty.───西班牙的当务之急就是这项条约的签署。

Our top priority is to see their backs.───能顺利走上就比什么都强.

Executives say combatting scams has become the top priority for 2007.───负责人员说,反欺诈已经成为2007年的头等要务.

Reducing class sizes should be a top priority.───削减班级规模应该是首选方案。

The question of payment will take top priority in our discussions.───支付问题将在我们讨论中占最优先地位.

The products ( using ) sale and kind a top priority.───产品 ( 不包含家用 ) 销售额和种类位居寰球排名前列.

They agreed to give the matter top priority.───他们同意优先考虑这件事.

Road building is a top priority.───筑路是最优先考虑的事.

Spain's top priority is the signing of an EMU treaty.───西班牙的当务之急是签署《欧洲经济和货币联盟条约》。

The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system.───政府优先致力于税制改革。


The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system.

Welfare reform is a top priority for the government.

Emergency admissions to hospital are given top priority.

Education is a top priority.

Education is this government's top priority.

My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live.

Spain's top priority is the signing of an EMU treaty.

Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority.

Reducing class sizes should be a top priority.

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