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词汇 ticking time bomb
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milking time───挤奶时间

milking times───挤奶次数

thinking time───思考时间;判断时间

thinking times───思考时间;判断时间

cooking time───蒸煮时间

cooking times───烹饪时间

kicking about───反抗;非正式地考虑;被闲置于;到处游荡

picking ticket───拣货单

picking tickets───拣票


the largest amount of debt relative to the size of its economy among the rich countries, and a stubborn deflation problem to boot, Japan has an economic time-bomb ticking beneath it.───相对于经济总量来看,日本的债务规模是发达国家中最大的。另外,它还面临着顽固的通缩难题。

least, Paulson's unprecedented move defuses one ticking time bomb.───至少,保尔森史无前例的行为解除了一个一直可能随时爆炸的危机。

The report does little-to-nothing to help you ascertain that the second half of the or short-circuit is a ticking time bomb!───这个报告并不能帮助您确定or缩短操作的后半部分是一个定时炸弹!

You put them all together, you mix them up in a bouillabaisse, and you have consumer confidence that's basically a ticking time-bomb.───你把他们放在一起,混合成一碗法式鱼肉汤。另外,你还拥有消费者信心,而它基本就是一个滴答作响的定时炸弹。

The virus then can choose at a later time to replicate itself, killing the bacterium -- similar to a ticking time bomb, Wood says.───在稍后的某个时候,病毒可以决定复制自我,杀死细菌——与按时炸弹引爆景象颇为类似。

Although Morocco is a stable, friendly nation, the imbalance makes phosphorus a geostrategic ticking time bomb.───虽然摩洛哥的政治稳定,跟美国的关系也很好,但从地缘战略的角度来看,矿藏分布不均仍是颗定时炸弹。

In recent months China-watchers have started worrying that the country's local-government debt is a ticking time bomb.───几个月,中国观察家们开始担心地方政府债务是一个滴滴答答作响的定时炸弹。

Not using your common sense when driving the equivalent of a ticking time bomb is a stupid way to die.───开车时候不用常识、如同驾驶“一颗滴答响的定时炸弹”就是一个愚蠢的死亡方法。


It's a ticking time bomb for the federal budget.

Conficker remains a ticking time bomb.

There is a ticking time bomb under the dollar.

Could you foresee it's like a ticking time bomb?

The report does little-to-nothing to help you ascertain that the second half of the or short-circuit is a ticking time bomb!





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