

词汇 thunderous applause
释义 thunderous applause
thunderous applause发音



rapturous applause───热烈的掌声

round of applause───一阵掌声;一阵掌声(歌名,RoundofApplause)

spontaneous applause───自发的鼓掌

thunderous roar───雷霆咆哮

dangerous place───危险地段

ripple of applause───阵阵掌声



polite applause───礼貌的掌声


They greeted him with thunderous applause.───他们以雷鸣般的掌声欢迎他。

She made her entry to the sound of thunderous applause.───她在雷鸣般的掌声中上了场。

The audience responded with thunderous applause.───观众报以雷鸣般的掌声。

When he took the floor, the gathering burst into thunderous applause.───他发言时, 群众发出雷鸣的掌声.

The audience broke into thunderous applause.───观众爆发出雷鸣般的掌声.

When he heard the thunderous applause, his heart swelled with pride.───他听到雷鸣般的掌声时, 心里充满豪情.

At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause.───他一出场, 礼堂里就掌声雷动.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.───全场掌声雷动.

I was awakened out of my musings by the thunderous applause when we entered the stadium.───当我们进入体育场时,掌声雷动,把我从沉思中惊醒.

The stillness was rent by thunderous applause.───雷鸣般掌声打破了寂静.

As soon as he finished his speech, thunderous applause broke out.───他刚讲完话, 便响起了雷鸣般的掌声.

The crowd broke into thunderous applause.───观众席爆发出雷鸣般的掌声.

She always met with thunderous applause when she is announced.───每当听到她的名字,观众总是报以雷鸣般的掌声.

They greeted him with thunderous applause.───他们以雷鸣般的掌声欢迎了他。


His speech was greeted with thunderous applause .

He left the stage to thunderous applause.

The audience loaded the champion with thunderous applause.

They greeted him with thunderous applause.

The cries of protest are lost in thunderous applause, and then a hush descends.

The announcement was greeted with thunderous applause.

Val Graham's team secured the prize to thunderous applause after a playoff.

Jem's impromptu speech met with thunderous applause.

The audience responded with thunderous applause.





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