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词汇 thought processes
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thought process───思维过程

thermite processes───铝热法

Bosch processes───波希法

unit processes───[计]单元过程

thinking processes───思维过程

Frasch processes───[矿业]佛赖什采磁法

Mond processes───蒙德法

Solvay processes───索耳未法

batch processes───间歇过程


What else can influence our thought processes?───还有什么因素会影响我们的思考过程?

They may even use their visual areas for other thought processes.───他们可能甚至把他们的视觉区域用于其他思维过程。

What would be some of the thought processes?───你的思考过程又是怎样的呢?

Trying to discern an animal's thought processes on the basis of its behaviour is notoriously tricky and subjective at the best of times.───试图根据动物的行为洞悉它们的心理过程在情况最好的时候也是十分棘手且主观的。

I can keep asking, "Why? " to every point a founder makes, and get a sense of their thought processes, reasoning abilities, and a lot more.───每当创业者做决定时,我都会不停地问”为什么“,进而了解他们的思维过程,推理能力,还有很多其他方面。

Understand the complimentary nature of the thought processes, tools, and methodologies of variation reduction and lean methods.───了解思维过程、工具和减少变异的方法与精益生产的相互关系。

The first five are called "sense-door adverting thought processes" whilst the last is called "the mind-door adverting thought processes. "───前五个被称为五门心路历程,而最后一个被称为意门心路历程。

What separates winners from losers are the thought processes, methods and tools used to achieve set goals.───区分胜者与败者的关键是思维流程,为实现既定目标所采用的方法与工具。

In other words, most people do not realise that these justifications and thought processes are happening.───换句话说,大部分人并不会意识到这些理由和思想过程的发生。


His thought processes are entirely different from mine.

Piaget's research focused on children's thought processes .

But the exceptional clarity of his thought processes was evidently still totally unimpaired.

It defines the physical actions and thought processes which must be undertaken to perform a task.

These studies help us to understand the thought processes of children.

In higher doses it can happen. Thought processes become distorted and you hallucinate.

Think about your normal thought processes.

I couldn't see what thought processes led him to that conclusion.

Thought processes become distorted and you hallucinate.

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