brings in───引进;生产;增加
brings to───使恢复知觉;停船
hangs in───坚持
rings in───包围;用考勤钟打下个人上班的时间;与…通电话
thin skin───[橡胶]薄皮
thin slice───薄片
thin smile───淡淡的微笑
The things I do, my work, it gives meaning to my life.───我所做的事情,我的工作,给了我的生命意义。
Conducting this contest is one of the most exciting things I do every year, and the feedback I have received from the participants is very stimulating.───举办此竞赛是我每年所做的最激动人心的事,我从参赛者收到的反馈也非常有启发性。
These are things I cannot know. But there are also some things I do know.───这些是我所不知道的事情,但有些是我的确是知道的。
In the heart and soul had to give up their pursuit of the things I do not know if this is not my ?───在心脏和灵魂不得不放弃自己的追求的东西我不知道这不是我的?
The things I do not want to say, I really am sad I did not expect that trust should have done such a thing.───我所做的一切不想再说了。我真的很伤心,我绝没想到信任会产生这样的事。
When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy.───每当有母亲因为孩子体重、健康问题来找我时,我通常所做的第一件事就是告诉他们别再给孩子喝牛奶了。
Whether there are better things in the next decade or not, and I suspect that there will be better things, I do own gold.───是否有在未来10年或没有更好的东西,我怀疑会有更好的事情,我做自己的黄金。
"Fu Shan says with a smile : " bracelet there are many things I do not have access to, Even if it is for you the gift on his arrival.───傅山笑着说道:“镯子里有许多我用不上的东西,就算是给你的见面礼了。”
Doing just a few things each day has worked wonders for my productivity -- I do less, but those few things I do have a higher impact.───每天只做几件事让我的效率惊人——虽然做的事少了,但是在这些事里,我获得了更好的成绩。
I get a kick out of most things I do.
His stool once a day, pull out a yellow or yellow-white of the tried, but have tried a lot of middle Black squeezings like things, I do not know how the matter has been a long time.
Samuel Pepys wrote in his diary that the ape, " ... is so much like a man in most things, I do believe it understands English and I am of the mind that it might be taught to speak and make signs.
Dilatory ways of doing things I do to reduce my efficiency.
My baby was born just two weeks, has been talking about a layer of bubbly off-white translucent things, I do not know what is?
A lot of things I do without thinking about why.
- things we do
- things i do
- things about me
- things happen