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词汇 ebb and flow
释义 ebb and flow
ebb and flow发音




b and w───b和w

bland food───清淡的食物;乏味的食品

blood flow───[生理]血流;[生理]血流量

here and now───此时此地;立刻

high and low───到处;高低贵贱

to and fro───来回地

hearts and flowers───多愁善感

cut and fills───随挖随填;充填开采

hand and foot───手脚一起;完全地;无微不至地


The music celebrates the natural ebb and flow of all life.───悦耳的音乐赞美了人一生中所有的起起落落.

There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow.───有迹象表明,不诚实行为可能有起有伏.

Your hormones are in full force and your moods will ebb and flow like the tides as levels of estrogen and progesterone skyrocket and then drop in regular cycles.───你的激素正充分发挥效力,你的情绪会随着雌性激素和黄体酮含量猛涨的或降低到正常水平而上下起伏。

She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.───她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。

the ebb and flow of the tide───海潮的涨落

My footprints are just marks on the sand beach, fading away with the ebb and flow.───我的足迹也只是沙滩上的印迹, 随朝涨潮落而消褪.

Figures in the table indicate that traffic accidents may ebb and flow.───表中的数字表明,交通事故有起有伏.

The ebb and flow of the tide leaves many strange things the beach.───海潮的涨落在海滩上留下许多稀奇古怪的东西.

The ebb and flow of politics in Washington goes on as usual.───华盛顿的政治风云,一如既往,仍然变幻莫测.

The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.───海潮的涨落确实是个奇观.

Massive tides, over a kilometer in height, would ebb and flow every few hours.───每几个小时, 超过一千米高的大规模潮汐就发生一次.

The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.───大臣接过话锋,滔滔不绝地谈论起古今多少帝国的盛衰兴亡.

Before dawn the temple was nothing but the ebb and flow of an immense sea.───黎明时分,寺也不复寺,没入波涛起伏的大海之中.

Characters inform , argue, amuse , outrage , argue through the ebb and flow of dialogue.───人物的喜怒哀乐都要通过对话的变化来展现.

It's an ebb and flow situation with black models.───答:黑人模特的境遇一直起起伏伏.

The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.───大臣接过话锋,滔滔不绝地谈论起帝国的盛衰兴亡。

She a mysterious ebb and flow of mood.───她情绪一时高涨一时低落,令人捉摸不透.

He's never lost heart in the ebb and flow of his life.───他在人生的变幻中从未灰心丧气过.


The narrative line wavers, its constant ebb and flow in political affairs and love story creating a sense of drift.

She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation.

She has seen her popularity ebb and flow.

In the harbour you got a secondary ebb and flow between the main tides.

He was at the mercy of the ebb and flow of public opinion.

It was ebb and flow, up and down, punch and counterpunch that didn't want to end.

The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold.

You have to accept the ebb and flow of love in a relationship.

We watched the tide ebb and flow .

  • ebbed away from
  • ebbs and flows
  • ebb away




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