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词汇 that for me
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that for me发音



what for───为什么;为何目的

play for time───v.为争取时间而拖延

that's torn it───太糟糕了

art form───艺术形式(尤指文学,绘画,音乐,民歌等)

art forms───艺术形式;艺术形态;美术形式


that is it───就这样


Could you repeat that for me?───您能把问题重复一遍么?

If I might have a right, do you have a duty to fulfill that for me?───如果我有权利,你有义务为我实现它吗?

If you can do that for me, I will be grateful.───如果你可以帮我做好,我会很感激的。

If I had to choose a single image that, for me, represents Britain today, it would not be a phone box or a postbox.───如果我要选择一个代表了今日英国形象的话,对我来说那将不是一个电话亭或是一个邮筒。

Ain't he played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him by this time?───难道我还没被耍够,这样的把戏足以让我在找他出的这个时候?

Having friends, and slumber parties and buddies, and just hanging out, there was none of that for me.───拥有朋友,享受和好伙伴在一起开派对的快乐,甚至外出随便逛逛,这些都不属于童年的我。

The question of its literary value settled, then, I can confess that for me this little book has considerable value as testimony.───人们对它的文学价值有所定论之后,我才敢放心大胆地承认这本小册子对我的重大价值,这是我内心的自白。

And back out. . . I need you to recite the alphabet from Z to A backwards as fast as you can. Can you do that for me?───然后放回去…我需要你尽可能快地从Z到A倒背字母表。你能为我这么做吗?

It was so nice of you to do all that for me.───感谢您为我做的一切。


To say that for me the days up here are Shangri-La is not to oversell.

Molly: You would do that for me? You are A-OK.

However, I've found that for me, eating a piece of health bread toasted with a little organic unsalted butter on it calms me best.

All that for me has been a very welcome tendency that also underlines the fact that documentary is probably the freest, cheapest way for a person to express themselves cinematically.

Is that for me? Oh, you're so kind!

That, for me, sums up the movie in a nutshell.

  • thats it
  • that is one love
  • that shirt
  • that sort of thing
  • that was cool
  • thatg rl
  • that s when
  • that red cap
  • that is you
  • that for me
  • that has
  • that orange
  • that girli
  • that who i am
  • that ll
  • that i can meet
  • that play
  • that monkey
  • thatched floor
  • that true
  • thats thestwle




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