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词汇 tax havens
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n.避税场所(指税率很低的国家或地区)( tax haven的名词复数 ); 避税掩蔽所


tax haven───[税收]避税场所(税率很低的国家或地区)

safe havens───(safehaven的名词复数)容许幅度标准,安全港

the heavens───天堂

tax bases───[税收]课税基础;[税收]课税标准

tax rates───税率

to haven───去避风港

thank heavens───谢天谢地

tax revenues───税收收入

hog heavens───猪的天堂


There was also an agreement among the G20 nations to work on eliminating tax havens, a positive development, and an agreement on bank regulation that represents movement in the right direction.───G20国家在打击避税港的问题上达成协议,这可以看做一大进展;另外还就银行监管问题——推动其向正确的方向进行改革——达成了协议。

Most member states chose to exchange information; most European tax havens went for the withholding tax.───大多数欧盟成员国选择交换情况; 而大部分欧洲避税港选择扣除预扣税款.

They duly out hedge funds, credit rating agencies, tax havens and executive compensation for tighter regulation.───他们会在适当的时候,挑选对冲基金 、 信用评价机构 、 避税地和执行更加严格的赔偿条例.

Since then, once-notorious tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Liechtenstein have reluctantly accepted reforms to get off the list and escape the threat of sanctions.───从那以后,过去类似开曼群岛和列支敦斯登等恶名昭彰的逃税天堂,勉强接受改革而未列入名单并逃避了制裁的威胁。

Pressure for more disclosure is mounting , but so is competition among tax havens.───来自丑闻的压力和避税胜地的竞争与日俱增.

South Africa reckons it is losing 64 billion rand ( $ 8.8 billion ) a year to tax havens.───据南非估算,它正以每年640亿兰特 ( 88亿美元 ) 速度向避税港大量流失资金.

In 2000 the OECD blacklisted 35 tax havens.───2000年,OECD将35个避税港列入黑名单.

As blase attitudes to financial stability give way to concern, tax havens make it harder to gain a true picture of where debt and risk lie, for example in hedge funds trading exotic derivatives.───大家对金融稳定的态度从无所谓转变为关心后,使得避税港用什么来承担债务和风险变得更加困难,比方说,用对冲基金交易外国衍生产品。

  • tax liability
  • tax burden
  • tax rates
  • tax reduction
  • tax breaks
  • tax incidence
  • taxonomy hierarchy
  • tax code
  • tax return
  • tax collection
  • taxonomy of fish
  • taxation without representation
  • tax deduction
  • tax incentive
  • tax evasion
  • taxes on




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