shorn off───剪掉
swore off───发誓戒除;放弃
worn off───磨损(worn是wear的过去分词);逐渐消失(worn是wear的过去分词)
shown off───炫耀,卖弄(showoff的过去分词形式)
sworn out───由宣誓而得到
torn off───撕破
warn off───告诫…离开
wore off───磨损;逐渐消逝
work off───售出;清理,排除;渐渐地清除;冒充
Since his illness, he has sworn off drinking.───生病之后,他已发誓戒酒。
He's sworn off smoking cigarettes for a month.───他发誓戒烟已有一月之久了。
I have sworn off cigarettes altogether.───我已发誓完全地戒除烟。
To grow, GE has sworn off major acquisitions and instead is trying to find small companies that can extend its existing businesses.───为了实现增长,通用电气下决心停止大规模并购,而是试图发现可促进其现有业务增长的小公司。
Now, the farmer's son, truth be told, had dabbled in this kind of potion before, but he knew it was wrong and had sworn off it.───现在,农夫的儿子已经染上了这种药水,终于如梦初醒,他知道这是不对的,想要痛改前非。
Since that point, I have sworn off singing during the day.───从那以后,我白天再也没有唱过歌了。
It's incredible that he has sworn off smoking.───他已立誓戒烟,真是令人难以置信。
They are the traditional white grapes of Hermitage, though some growers have sworn off the notoriously fickle roussanne.