

词汇 stop laughing
释义 stop laughing
stop laughing发音



be laughing───大笑








The show was hilarious—I couldn't stop laughing.───表演十分滑稽,弄得我笑个不停。

Stop laughing at me!───不要笑我!

OK, you can stop laughing now.───现在,你可以停止大笑了。

Stop when the sweat on his forehead down to the low-down, heart beat faster, music did not stop laughing at my being out of step.───停下来的时候,汗水顺着额头向下流,心跳的速度加快,音乐却没有停止,还在嘲笑着我的不合拍。

You'll be the death of me if you go on talking like that. You are so funny that I can't stop laughing.───如果你继续那样谈论下去,你真要我的命了,你讲得太有趣了,使我笑个不停。

First I told a mouse tease cats joke that arrive half I couldn't stop laughing, everyone a look at my smile they also laughed.───先是我讲了一个老鼠逗猫的笑话,说到一半我情不自禁地笑了起来,大家一看我笑他们也都笑了。

But when artists slip from funny to hateful, it's time to stop laughing and call them out on it.───但是当艺术家从搞笑有趣滑向令人生厌的时候,就是应该停住大笑,斥其离开的时候了。

This is probably a nasty thing to say, but I couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes.───说起来这可能是一件令人作呕的事情,可我禁不住还是笑了半天。

They would not stop laughing at the idea of Mrs Barry's being a man, and Maurice's atheism was forgotten.───一想到巴里太太居然成了一位绅士,她们就笑个不停,莫瑞斯的无神论被抛到脑后了。


We stop laughing because the show was so hilarious.

The movie was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing.

All guests stop laughing and singing because they have notice the dark and sin fairy already stand by the side of King's daughter.

The show was hilarious-I couldn't stop laughing.

I couldn't stop laughing.

Capri can't stop laughing. "Come on, you wuss."

She was telling us jokes and we couldn't stop laughing.

His story broke me up. I couldn't stop laughing.

We couldn't stop laughing.

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  • stop crying your heart out
  • stop laughing
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