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词汇 stifling heat
释义 stifling heat
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searing heat───灼热

sliding seat───滑座;滑动座;活动座

sticking at───v.坚持;犹豫;努力做

scorching heat───炎热

astonishing feat───惊人的壮举

driving seat───驾驶座

spiking heel───女子皮鞋上的高后跟

sticking out───突出



Some just prefer to sleep outside, to keep watch over their property, or to get out from the stifling heat indoors.───还有的只是喜欢睡在室外,方便看守他们的财产,或者是为了远离室内的闷热。

The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous.───小房间里难以忍受的高温开始令我恶心。

There were brief pauses of stifling heat and humidity, quickly followed by more rain.───有酷热潮湿的停雨,然后迅速伴随着更大的降雨。

At lASt, AS midday approached with its stifling heat, something floating on the surface of the water caught his eye.───终于,热得可令人窒息的正午将临的时候,水面上漂着的一样东西吸引了他的目光。

Although we didn't have electricity for 10 days, we had a generator to run a small portable air-conditioner in the stifling heat.───尽管我们10天都没有电,但是我们有一台发电机来带动便携式空调来驱除炎热。

The buses are popular in the summer when pensioners flock to air-conditioned supermarkets to escape the stifling heat.───超市班车在夏天很受欢迎,那时会有很多退休人员乘车涌到开着空调的超市里面,躲避外面的酷热。

It isn't just the stifling heat, but rather the dripping humidity that makes Changsha uncomfortable in the summer.───长沙的夏季令人很不舒服,它不仅闷热,湿气也很大。

There were brief pauses of stifling heat and humidity, quickly followed by more rain.───中间有酷热潮湿的停雨,然后迅速伴随着更大的降雨。


At one, in the stifling heat, we took a siesta.

But what really recalled her to him at this moment was the stifling heat of the afternoon, which had brought the sweat out on his forehead.

The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous.

The sun was warm on my back, but the south-easterly wind took the edge off the stifling heat.

It was difficult to work in the stifling heat of the warehouse.





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