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词汇 lymph node
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lymph nodes───[解剖]淋巴结

lymph cell───淋巴细胞







Objective : To evaluate the relationship of ? nm 23 ? H 1 ? gene and lymph node metastasis in colorectal carcinoma.───目的: 探讨nm23? H1与大肠癌淋巴结转移的关系.

Diagnosis can be confirmed only by Biopsy, usually from a lymph node.───必须藉由活检才能确诊, 通常要从淋巴结上提取活组织.

Objective : To study the influential factors of cervical carcinoma with metastasis of pelvic lymph node.───目的分析宫颈癌患者盆腔淋巴结转移的影响因素.

Positive Control Germinal center in a tonsil or a reactive lymph node.───阳性对照:扁桃体发生中心或反应淋巴小结.

In at least 2 cases, there were regional lymph node metastases.───这些所有的报道中,肺转移均出现在初步诊断后5-30年.

This lymph node is involved with Hodgkin's disease.───这个淋巴结与霍奇金淋巴瘤有关.

Objective To study the significance of relationship between lymph node micrometastasis and clinic pathological parameters.───目的探讨胃癌淋巴结微转移与临床病理参数关系及临床意义.

High component offer a reward [ about lymph node ] add cent!───高分悬赏 [ 关于淋巴结 ] 追加分!

A strong detoxifying formula that alkalizes, cleans and strengthens lymphatic tissues, specific at swollen lymph node.───这是强力的排毒配方,可碱化 、 清洁及增强淋巴组织, 特别针对淋巴结肿胀.

Tissue, Cytoplasmic Protein, Human Disease, Lupus, Lymph node.───组织, 细胞质蛋白, 病人, 狼疮, 淋巴结。

The drug is approved to treat the tumors with or without regional lymph node involvement.───无论局部淋巴结有无累及,该药物均可用于这种肿瘤的治疗.

The total accuracy of UMP in diagnosis of lymph node metastasis was 80.9 %.───对胃壁外淋巴结诊断准确率为80.9%.

Of inguinal lymph node enlargement medication control method?───腹股沟淋巴结肿大的药物治疗控制方法?

Objective: To detect the crucial points in the diagnoses of Hodgkin Disease in childrens lymph node.───目的: 探讨小儿淋巴结霍奇金恶性淋巴瘤的诊断要点.

Objective To evaluate CT diagnostic values for cervical lymph node.───目的为探讨CT扫描对颈部淋巴结的诊断价值.

The size, number, location and pathologic types of abscess, fistula and lymph node were also analyzed.───并对脓肿 、 窦道,肿大淋巴结大小 、 个数 、 发生部位、病理类型进行分析.

Objective To analyze CT features and CT diagnostic value in lymph node reactive hyperplasia.───目的分析淋巴结反应性增生的CT表现及CT的诊断价值.

Objective To explore the rule of lymph node metastasis in advanced gastric carcinoma.───目的探讨进展期胃癌淋巴结的转移规律.

Overweight women who undergo axillary lymph node dissection are more likely to develop lymphedema.───超重的妇女在进行腋窝淋巴结清扫后更容易产生淋巴水肿.

Instead, a separate winner for each strain is picked in each affected lymph node before immunodominance can come into play.───取而代之的是针对不同病原体的不同T细胞,它们将会在显性免疫出现之前被挑选出来进入受累的淋巴结。

Here is a 5 cm lymph node ( obviously from a patient with lymphadenopathy ).───图示5厘米的淋巴结 ( 淋巴结病 ).

Large lymph node swellings must be drained.───淋巴结肿大很可能消除.

Experimental Study of the Choice of Vital Dyes for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Gastric Cancer.───与胃癌前哨淋巴结活检染色剂选择的实验研究>>相似的文献.

Conclusion Micrometastatic foci axillary lymph node do not have new blood vessel formation.───结论淋巴结微转移灶无血管生成,转移瘤有血管生成.

Thorough clinical breast exam involves inspection and palpation of all breast tissue including lymph node basins.───完整的临床乳腺检查包括对淋巴结在内的整个乳腺组织进行检查和触诊.

Trochlear go up is lymph node enlargement common at what disease?───滑车上淋巴结肿大常见于什么病?

Neck fullness was quite pronounced without palpable evidence of thyroid or lymph node enlargement.───颈部发肿得很厉害,但没有甲状腺或淋巴结肿大的迹象.

Lymph node: no swelling of lymph node.───淋巴结:浅表淋巴结见肿大。

  • lymph nodes
  • lymph node
  • lymph nodes locations
  • lymphatic disease
  • lymphatic drainage
  • lymph nodes in neck




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