

词汇 state funeral
释义 state funeral
state funeral发音



state funerals───国葬

Estates General───三级会议

States General───国家概况

mass funeral───集体葬礼

state control───[计]状态控制

state funding───国家资金



He cancelled the trip to his California ranch and prepared for the state funeral.───他取消了去加利福尼亚大农场的旅行,并筹备国葬事宜.

She'd be giving her dog a state funeral?───还会给一只狗办个正式的葬礼 吗 ?

Australia, plunged into grief despite its carping, talked of holding a state funeral for him.───陷入悲痛的澳大利亚人议论纷纷,谈论着要为他进行国葬。

He was given a state funeral.───为他举行了国葬。

His death, however, was marked by a state funeral and seven days of official mourning.───但是他的死亡却被冠以国葬的名义,并享受7天的官方悼念。

Tchaikovsky was given a state funeral—the first commoner to be granted this honour.───柴可夫斯基得到了国葬待遇——他是首位获此殊荣的平民。

President Ronald Reagan dies at age 93, the six-day state funeral follows.───总统里根病逝,享年93岁,美国为其进行了六天的国葬仪式。

When he died he was given a state funeral.───他去世以后,人们为他举行了国葬.

When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral.───当他在八十岁那年死去时, 佛罗伦萨人给他举行了国葬.

They held a state funeral in honour of the statesman.───他们为这位政治家举行了国葬.

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