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词汇 south poles
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south pole───南极,南极地带

South Poles───南极,南极地带

south nodes───南方节点

North Poles───北极

South Wales───南威尔士(地区名)

foul poles───肮脏的杆子

north pole───n.北极

sound holes───音孔;播声洞

south node───南节点


You've just made two smaller magnets each with their own North and South poles.───你仅仅是得到了两个拥有各自的两极的更小的磁体罢了。

you cannot have one without the other, it is like the north and south poles of a magnet.───你不能拥有一个而不拥有另一个,它就像一块磁铁的南北两极。你不能拥有一个单极磁铁。

Some people believe that the Earth's North and South poles weren't always located where they are now.───有些人相信地球的北极和南极以前并不是在它们现在所在的位置。

The rate of melting ice at the North and South Poles - which totals 382 billion tons of ice a year - is counteracting the 'slimming' effect.───每年,北极和南极的冰川都在加速融化,并且达到了3820亿吨,这些融水都使得地球的“腰围”不减反增。

The corona's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun's north and south poles.───光环带的光束像一把流光折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。

The magnetic North and South poles have shifted before in the course of the planet's history - one result being the last Ice Age.───在地球的历史进程中地磁北极和磁南极已经转换过-一种结果就是最后的冰河时期。

Remarkably, the satellite map shows chlorophyll hot spots in the icy waters around the North and South Poles.───值得一提的是,卫星地图显示,叶绿素汇集的热点在北极和南极附近的冰冷水域中。

Admiral Byrd stated that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the Earth.───海军上将伯德讲述南极与北极只是多数进入地心的开口的其中两个。

He describes himself as a poet and adventurer, having climbed Mount Everest and reached the north and south poles.───他将自己形容为诗人和探险家,曾经攀登珠穆朗玛峰,并到过北极和南极。


The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.

Admiral Byrd stated that the North and South Poles are only two of many openings into the center of the Earth.

The Earth spins on an axis, creating north and south poles.

The North and South Poles are the two points at opposite ends of the earth.

The equator is a great circle midway between the North and South Poles.

The Earth rotates on an axis between the north and south poles.

In a Mercator projection, the north and south poles are spread out, resulting in a map with equally spaced longitudes and latitudes, and a constant compass bearing.

The Earth revolves about the axis which joins the North and South Poles.

The magnetic field encircles this straight piece of current-carrying wire, the magnetic flux lines having no definite "north" or "south" poles.

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