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词汇 sniffing out
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snuffing out───扼杀;消灭;死掉

sniffing at───嗤之以鼻;嗅;轻视

puffing out───吹灭;(使)膨胀;气喘吁吁地说

shipping out───运出;坐船到国外去

sicking out───托病旷工

signing out───签名登记离开;用签名记录离开的时间

singing out───大声喊出;向法院或警方自供

sitting out───坐在户外;袖手旁观;耐着性子看完或听完

sniff out───发现;寻找


Hedge funds sniffing out fraud will be good for other investors, too.───能够及时嗅出舞弊的对冲基金也会有利于其他投资者。

out fraud and shorting its perpetrators has been a nice earner for Asia's hedge funds.───对于亚洲对冲基金而言,能够及早发现舞弊和卖空便是一个很好的优势。

Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.───记者善于发现丑闻。

Picture taken 24 June 2005 shows, one of the nine African rats, sniffing out a landmine in Chimoio, Mozambique.───2005年6月24日,一只非洲老鼠在莫桑比克的希莫尤发现一颗地雷。

Sniffing out fraud and shorting its perpetrators has been a nice earner for Asia's hedge funds.───对于亚洲对冲基金而言,能够及早发现舞弊和卖空便是一个很好的优势。

Could malaria-carrying mosquitoes be given a teensy head cold that would prevent them from sniffing out a human snack bar?───能不能设法让携带疟疾病毒的蚊子得上一次小小的鼻伤风,使其再也嗅不到被它当作快餐柜的人类散发出的味道?

But when it comes to sniffing out trouble, scientists believe they may be better than dogs.───但说到凭嗅觉发现问题这一点,科学家们相信,黄蜂可能比狗更出色。

Which means that while they are superb at sniffing out talcum powder, they still have no idea what cocaine smells like.───这就意味着,虽然它们十分善于嗅出滑石粉,但它们还是不知道可卡因是什么气味。

These military canines are working alongside American soldiers, sniffing out roadside bombs and detecting explosives.───这些军用犬可以嗅出路边的炸弹,探测到爆炸物,协助美军的工作。


Her job is to go round the big fashion shows sniffing out talent for a modelling agency.

Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.

It might help explain why long-snouted dogs are better at scent work, such as sniffing out drugs, than short-snouted breeds, she says.

I became an expert at sniffing out potential humiliation.

A South Korean biotech company on Monday unveiled four Labrador retriever puppies it said were cloned from a Japanese dog skilled at sniffing out patients with cancer.

Could malaria-carrying mosquitoes be given a teensy head cold that would prevent them from sniffing out a human snack bar?

Women may be better at sniffing out biologically relevant information underarm sweat a US study suggests.





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