

词汇 smartly dressed
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party dresses───派对礼服

battle dresses───战斗服

party dress───派对礼服


coat dresses───开襟明钮女式长服

court dresses───n.宫廷服

fancy dresses───n.化装舞会所穿着的服装


The woman was smartly dressed and well-spoken.───那名女子穿着讲究,谈吐得体。

London looks like a middle aged gentleman. He's knowledgeable and smartly dressed.───伦敦像是个中年绅士, 他学识渊博,衣着考究.

The woman was smartly dressed and well-spoken.───那位女士穿着大方,谈吐得体。

And yet, as this special report has already noted, many of the smartly dressed young people of Tehran seem quite unmoved (some are amused) by the official hate-mongering.───然而,就像我们这份报道所注意到的那样,许多衣着利索的德黑兰年轻人并不对官方的仇恨宣传感兴趣(一些甚至感到好笑)。

He was a big man, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.───他身材高大,穿着西服打着领带,非常帅气。

He's usually smartly-dressed, I'll say that for him.───我能说的是,至少他通常穿着入时。

The person meeting them will smartly dressed.───与他们见面的人穿着会非常得体.

He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.───他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。

Nancy smartly dressed and aloof.───南希衣着入时.神情冷淡.

He was a big man in his forties, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.───他是一个四十几岁的高大男子,穿着西服打着领带,很精神。

Beneath their imposing mass, smartly dressed men and women zip about on noiseless transIt'systems.───在这片巍峨壮丽的建筑群下, 衣着入时的男女乘坐无噪音的运输工具穿梭往来.


He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.

Then, in January 1946, a smartly dressed young Guards officer arrived at the camp with orders to see the Colonel.

He was particularly smartly dressed in black trousers and waistcoat, white shirt and red bow-tie.

He was smartly dressed in a two piece suit.

Paul's always very smartly dressed.

He was a big man, smartly dressed in a suit and tie.

Its smartly dressed citizens go about their business as if nothing was happening.

The woman was smartly dressed and well-spoken.

A prophecy was given which pictured a smartly dressed young man in a zip-up leather jacket.

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