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词汇 active voice
释义 active voice
active voice发音




active voices───[语]主动语态

active life───有效寿命;职业生活;在职生涯

active site───[生化][免疫][物化]活性部位

active service───现役

active volcano───[地质]活火山

tractive force───[机][车辆]牵引力;驱动力

active optics───[光]能动光学;主动光学

casting voice───配音

active list───n.(可提供服务的)联系人名单;现役军人名单


There are two voices in grammar: active voice and passive voice.───英语中有主动语态和被动语态两种.

This sentence is in the active voice.───本句子用的是主动语态.

Use active voice, present tense.───使用正面的语气,现在时态。

This sentence is in the active voice. Can you alter it into the passive voice?───那个语句是主动语态,你能把它变为被动语态 吗 ?

Use the active voice.───使用主动语态。

The word " worth " can be construed with a gerund in active voice.───“ worth ” 一词可与主动语态的动名语连用.

They use active voice.───他们用积极的声音.

Do use third - person, simple present or past tense, and active voice.───要使用第三人称 、 简单的现在或者过去时态以及主动语态.

In the active voice with Christ as object and God as subject.───主动式﹕基督是客体;上帝是主体.

This sentence is in the active voice. Can you change it into the passive voice?───这个句子是主动语态, 你能把它变成被动语态 吗 ?

Use the active voice and omit needless words.───使用积极的语气,忽略无用的单词.

Use the active voice when writing sentences.───造句时使用积极的语气。

Read the passage and then rewrite the phrases in bold, using the Active Voice.───读文章, 用主动语态改写用黑体标的句子.

Writing is simple, clear, direct, and in an active voice.───文字写做简单 、 清楚 、 直接 、 而有力.

Using the active voice helps you be direct and keeps your sentences from being too wordy.───使用主动语态有助于直接表达你的意思,也可以避免句子过于冗长.

To grasp the Active Voice & the Passive Voice.───掌握主动语态 和 被动语态.

This sentence is the active voice. Can you change it into the passive voice?───这个句子是主动语态, 你能把它变为被动语态 吗 ?

The structure and use of passive voice are different from those of the active voice.───被动式与主动式结构不同,用途也不同.


The birds ate the seeds uses the active voice.

This sentence is in the active voice. Can you alter it into the passive voice?

This sentence is in the active voice.

Truth: Passive and active voice address a structural issue only-the relationship between the actor and the action in the sentence.

Use the active voice and omit needless words.

Explain the difference between the passive and active voice and wordy and concise word use as objectively as possible.

To grasp the Active Voice & the Passive Voice.

Use only the active voice for procedures and employ it as much as possible for descriptions and operations.

In the active voice the subject of the sentence does the action.

  • active participation
  • active and decisive
  • active area
  • active network
  • active motif
  • active nurse
  • active filter hypothesis
  • activeness rate




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