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词汇 sky show
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sky shows───天空秀

sex show───性爱节目

sex shows───性爱节目

shit show───狂欢(电视剧名,ShitShow);狂欢(歌名,ShitShow)

sketch show───素描秀

air show───飞行表演;空中表演

cop show───警察表演

dog show───赛狗会;狗的选秀赛

for show───为了炫耀;为了引人注意


To show Dorothy's house falling from the sky, a miniature house was dropped onto a sky painted on the stage floor.───为了表现桃乐茜的房屋从天上掉下来,一个模型房屋掉在了在舞台地板上画的天空。

Dust from comet Swift-Tuttle is responsible for the Perseids, creating the northern hemisphere's regular summer sky show.───斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星撒下的尘埃形成的英仙座流星雨,为北半球的天空年复一年地带来盛大的夏日流星秀。

30 minutes before sunrise, the morning sky will show all the planets aligned across the sun’s path, except Saturn.───日出30分钟前,在清晨的天空可以看见各大行星排列在太阳路径上(土星除外)。

Silver wings in a fiery sky Show the trail of my love and I Sing to you, Love is what I bring to you.───炽热天空中翱翔的银色飞翼拖曳着我爱你的轨迹我为你而唱那份爱正是我要带来给你的。

On this night, pictures from satellites in the sky show some strange clouds over the ocean. Could they be a hurricane?───今晚,通过卫星传送的图片看出,在上海聚集了一些奇怪的云层。

Stars of the Big Dipper, upper left, wheeling through the December sky, show as streaks in this ten-minute exposure.───在这张被曝光了十分钟的照片中,左上角的北斗七星呈现出条纹状,它们在12月的天空中旋转。

The Sky Show will examine and analyse various Moon hoax theories.───节目会透过科学方法,分析这些登月疑点。

Anglianwangjian an east-round winding sky show of white moon, a companion suddenly remember, said: "Today is not Chongyang? "───一仰脸望见东边天上现出半轮上弦的白月亮,一位同伴忽然记起来,说“今天是不是重阳?”

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