in waiting───侍奉;等待中
silent auctions───无声拍卖
silent majorities───沉默的大多数(持温和观点并很少发表意见者)
call waiting───[通信]呼叫等待
no waiting───不准停车等候
silent auction───无声拍卖
silent partner───隐名合伙人;不过问业务的合伙人;匿名股东
silent witness───沉默证人
silent majority───沉默的大多数(持温和观点并很少发表意见者)
No one came, and as she lay waiting the house seemed to grow more and more silent.───没有人来,当她躺着等着的时候,屋子里似乎变得越来越安静了。
Patience is a kind of sober restraint. Patience is a kind of silent waiting.───忍耐是一种清醒的克制。忍耐是一种无声的等待。
Smiled, as if guarding a silent waiting in silence.───微笑着,就像是在守着一场无声等待的静默。
Soon, the break of day, watching the sun slowly climbing out of the horizon, the whole family was silent, waiting for fate decision.───很快,天破晓了,眼看着太阳慢慢地爬出地平线,全家人都沉默下来,等候命运的决定。
The sense of his own community silent, waiting, had made his stomach churn.───他感到他的社群组织静下来了,等待著,这种感觉让他的胃剧烈的抽动。
Lotus quietly stand in the water, like a girl, silent, waiting for the breeze to remind her that sent bursts of fragrance.───荷花静静地立在水中,象一位姑娘沉默着,等着清风提醒她,发出阵阵清香。
The people of the conquered country settled in a slow, silent, waiting revenge .───被占领区的人民决定采取一种慢吞吞地默默等待着的方法。
all were silent , waiting for what he would say───众人都沉默不言,等待他说话。
He stands silent, waiting for the gun to go.
- silent killer
- silent day
- silent waiting
- silent films
- silent majority
- silently pray
- silent mode