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sickle cells───镰状细胞;[细胞]镰形红细胞

sick call───就诊伤员集合;检阅伤病员;检阅伤病员日(或时间)


sieve cell───[细胞]筛胞

tickler coil───反馈线圈

sickle cell trait───镰状细胞性状;镰刀型贫血特质


killer cell───k细胞;杀伤细胞

nettle cell───剌细胞


What is hemoglobin F, and how does it affect sickle cell disease?───何谓血红蛋白F?其对镰状细胞病有何作用?

This is sickle cell anemia in sickle cell crisis.───出现镰状细胞危象的镰状细胞贫血.

Sickle cell anemia.───对于镰状细胞性贫血。

Can tourniquets be used in patients with sickle cell disease?───止血带能否用于镰状细胞病患者?

Sickle cell disease is a common genetic disorder.───镰状细胞病是一种常见的遗传病.

How does assist patients with sickle cell disease?───镰状细胞病最初是如何发现?

Is there a difference between sickle cell disorder, disease and anemia?───镰状细胞紊乱 、 镰状细胞病和镰状细胞性贫血之间有何差异?

cancer drug called hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea) also is used to treat sickle cell anemia.───羟基脲是一种抗肿瘤药,也可以用来治疗镰状细胞性贫血。

Is supplemental oxygen beneficial for patients with sickle cell disease?───辅助供氧对镰状细胞病患者是否有益?

What is sickle cell disease?───何谓镰状细胞病?

To investigate BCL11A's therapeutic value, Orkin's team turned to a mouse model for sickle cell disease.───为了进一步研究BCL11A的治疗价值,奥尔金的研究小组转向镰状贫血症的白鼠模型。

When should transfusions be considered in patients with sickle cell disease?───镰状细胞病患者什么情况下考虑输血?

Are patients with sickle cell disease at greater risk of infection?───镰状细胞病患者是否有更高的感染机会?

Sickle cell disease and pregnancy.───镰状细胞病和怀孕.

What organs are at risk for ischemia in sickle cell diseaese?───镰状细胞病时哪些器官有缺血的危险?

Again, the cause may be sickle - cell anemia or some injury.───发病的原因也可能是镰刀 状 红细胞贫血症或某种损伤.

How does hydration assist patients with sickle cell disease?───水合作用(液体治疗)用于镰状细胞病治疗的原因?

Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.───镰状细胞贫血通过隐性基因遗传给后代。


Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia.

There is still widespread ignorance about Sickle Cell Anaemia and the chances of passing it on.

Haemoglobin electrophoresis showed sickle cell trait.

Chronic and acute problems associated with sickle cell anaemia.

Around 300 children with sickle cell disease are registered at King's College Hospital.

The role of the staff at sickle cell centres is highly varied, but is summarised in Table 4.

Diagnosis of the clinically severe forms of sickle cell disease is not difficult, providing awareness of the disease is high.

Diagnostic features of different types of sickle cell disease.

People with sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia are known to have red cells with defects in their outer membranes.

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