shop floors───工作场所;工人
top floor───顶楼,最高首脑部
shiny floor───闪亮的地板
low floor───低地板
sea floor───海床,底床
shop front───店面,堂面
to floor───地板
It has a total shop floor ares of over 15,000,00 sqm, and employing over 80 staffs.───这一投资上百万美元的工厂配有最先进的生产设施,占地总面积超过15,000.00平方米, 拥有员工人数80余人.
Stipulate Standard Operation Procedure and Total Productive Maintenance for shop floor operation.───为生产车间制订标准作业程序和全员性设备维护.
In this paper, the shop floor scheduling algorithm is studied.───本文在传统的遗传算法的基础上, 对车间调度算法进行了深入的研究.
The productive work is done on the shop floor.───那项高效率的工作是在车间完成的.
Shop floor controller ( SFC ) is an important part of computer integrated manufacturing system.───车间控制器是计算机集成制造系统实现集成的重要组成部分.
Cost must be controlled, not just on the shop floor but in the boardroom too.───必须要控制成本,不仅仅是工人方面,董事会方面也要控制。
Collaborated with manufacturing departments in addressing and resolving assembly line shop floor limitations.───与制造业部门合作选址并解决装配线车间楼层的限制.
to work on the shop floor───在生产区工作
Train new employees on basic shop floor policies, procedures and safety.───基于现场政策 、 流程和安全,培训新员工.
Resin coated relative humidity on the shop floor covered with plastic film quality.───覆膜车间的环境湿度对覆膜质量有影响.
The feeling on the shop floor is that the manager does not know his job.───普通工人的感受就是这个经理不懂业务.
Assist Production Supervisor in shop floor operation, ensure that qualified product assembled to meet customer needs.───协助生产主管做好生产车间的各个环节的管理, 确保按照客户要求按时并以合理的成本提供产品.
NDC shop floor control, the main function is to achieve NC program transmission and lathe management.───NDC车间控制, 主要功能是实现数控程序的传输和车床的管理.
Maintain shop floor discipline and ensure company policies and production procedures are understood and correctly applied.───制定车间生产纪律,保证公司政策顺利上传下达.
Especially the offsctdruckereien workshop in 1999 after changes in workplace merge, shop floor management, bold, ordered.───特别是胶印车间1999年车间合并以后变化巨大, 车间管理严格 、 大胆 、 有序.
What does the shop floor think about the rise in pay?───普通工人对于增加工资有何想法?
Ensure line 5 S implementation on shop floor.───确保生产线5S的执行.
At last, the implementation of the shop floor reconfiguration is introduced in detail.───最后, 本文详细介绍了车间配置软件的功能实现.
Shop floor control model based on object oriented technology.───面向对象的车间控制模型.
Assist in developing training programs; Train new employees on basic shop floor policies, procedures and safety.───协助开发培训计划; 基于现场政策 、 流程和安全,培训新员工.
Issues raw materials and packing materials according to shop floor requirement.───发放原料及根据车间的需求包装物料.
Hall of ta yuan brick wall of the base there is base, brick shop floor.───塔院中的殿基存有砖砌墙基 、 砖铺地面.
Is there any way to encourage innovations on the shop floor?───在工厂里有什么方法可以鼓励创新 吗 ?
Also management of shop floor Scheduling, Engineering and CNC programming.───同时负责管理车间生产计划员 、 工艺员和数控程序员.
RFID implementation of shop floor data collection for automation.───RFID实现车间现场数据采集的自动化.
Cost must be controlled, not just on the shop floor but in the boardroom too.
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